Roon 2.0: From Rumors To Reality

Yeah the terminology “update is landing tomorrow” infers to me the actual product not an information update.
Not long before we know for sure. :wink:

my wife – who cares pretty much nought about anything technical – just asked me if there was any news on the roon update. they’ve done well generating a buzz around this one*. Let’s hope it lives up to the hype!

*or maybe I’ve just been chatting about it too much this week


I know what the Roon 2.0 headline is. They have deleted Opera from all corners of Roon.


I’m by no means promising that everyone will like it, nor that the rollout will be perfectly seamless, but I can say with guarded confidence that I think once thru teething pains (and I think they’ll be fast for the vast majority of people, a lot of work has been done, a lot more than previous releases, surely not enough to eliminate every last configuration) a lot of people will really like it. Good luck waiting the next few hours! My suggestions? Go see a movie. Or do some work. Or listen to Wagner.


Well, it is the 20th.

Maybe it’s “Roon Ready. Coming Soon”…again.

No wait. KEF already did that one!


Check your time to release (16:00 UTC)


Now the time will go even more slowly!

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In that case, and before the potential onslaught of edge case support messages takes up the rest of the day, congrats on sending it out, thanks for updating it all yet again. :slightly_smiling_face:


I hope that it will not offend anyone :slight_smile: But we all know - some will be happy, some not…


can’t we have the release note a little bit in advance?

Surely updates take off rather than land. Maybe updates just update. Roon needs to work on its metaphors.

Maybe you should follow this thread a little closer… just saying.

As seen on iOS app store :


I installed the app but I guess I have to wait for the core update now… :slight_smile:


oooh so maybe it’s ‘just’ that, a mobile app - and no other significant features.

It’s out for android too BTW

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Also on UK App Store - but logging in just results in “No Roon Cores found” message - at least we know it is definitely Roon Mobile now :slight_smile:

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Yes, from google play. Looks like app will be also a “remote desktop” to core and you will be “streaming” data from streaming services log-in at core and your local library. If you can connect your app to other devices, for example at yours friend house to show what you got there it would be neat. Same when you can connect with android auto or airplay or any other BT device. It is usefull but I still expect more gimmicks.


Edit, also:
Roon 1.8 <-> 2.0 Migration FAQ (


Still no Android mixer bypass so its not for me. I will stick with USB Audio Player Pro for now. Looks good for Apple users though.

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