they should stop using so much money for expensive image-/ad-clips and hire more developers instead…
I just love the age demographic of people in the Roon teaser videos.
Considering that in a 1300 poll (of self selected survey responders of Roon forum users) puts 80% of users over 40 years of age and that I’ve never met anyone who uses Roon that I didn’t introduce to it, it’s really great to see I am actually part of a larger hip and groovy Roon collective.
Fuzzy logic?
“what you see…” It’s a new logo! They’re going to retire the squid jellyfish!
That is also really a Mac issue. With my Samsung I have I over 512 gb of music on my phone in flac.
Those are the grandchildren our demographic will be able to “see” more often once Roon presumably adds video conferencing in 2.0.
But I like the squid. I consider them my friend now.
I’m absolutely with you on the above. I started my digital music journey, initially with Logitech Music Server when Logitech also sold its own endpoint, by ripping all my own CDs and now most of my music is those locally stored rips subsequently augmented by purchased downloads. My Qobuz (Sublime+) subscription is only there so that Roon Radio has a vast library available to it to pick suggestions from and also providing a few albums added to my library that I haven’t quite decided whether to buy as a download or not. I do then create a shadow copy of all my locally stored music in 320kbs AAC to sync to my iPhone so that I have all my purchased music locally stored.
That’s where perhaps we differ but it’s maybe a good example of how when people talk about Roon mobile they can mean very different things. I’m assuming that when you say “access to their roon at home” I assume you mean the ability to connect to your Roon core at home. That’s an entirely reasonable use case that I in no way dismiss but for my use case I want my “Roon Mobile” experience to extend to the times when don’t have suitable network connectivity for streaming, maybe on a plane or on a subway train or just in a bad signal area or when my data allowance is running low, hence my preferred Roon mobile implementation is to be able to sync all of my local files onto my phone and then play them via the familiar Roon Remote interface rather than having to add additional tags to the AAC versions so that I can get the same sort order in Apple Music as I see in Roon Remote (e.g. David Bowie under “B” rather than “D” and in album view the albums then ordered by release date). If Roon could also automatically do the transcription from my FLAC master files to an AAC compression of my choosing prior to syncing to the Roon app on my iPhone that would be even more convenient.
It’s a fair question. For me the answer is that I never know when I just “have to have that playlist”, or in my case a particular track or album, so the answer then becomes all the time just in case. I suppose that for me it’s a case of “I’d rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it” where in this case “it” is that track that suddenly pops into my head in the middle of a 12 hour flight, or even on a 30 minute subway ride, and I find myself thinking “I really, really want to hear this track (or album) right now”. OK, in fairness the word “need” is a bit (well, very) over dramatic when compared to needing some sort of survival tool in a situation of threat to life but maybe it conveys why personally I like to have my whole music collection stored on my phone when I am out and about. I fully accept that I might be an outlier.
In the context of that “it’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see” slogan that age demographic in the video is certainly one that can see what they are looking at a lot more clearly than I can now. Unfortunately (for me) even with that slogan one thing that I think we can rule out as the big new Roon 2.0 feature is the ability to fix failing eyesight.
It a jellyfish to me squids are more elongated
I hope it’s not music videos. I have no interest in that.
I was right. I see my Porsche.
No, not two homes, just would like to have some playlist with me on the go when running (looong runs), and my two boys too.
I would not mind downloading these playlist or streaming them. I don’t care.
Let them get in Amazon, Apple, Spotify…would be good for many, but not me.
Well, I‘m looking forward and will be glad with whatever will come, as long as it’s a stable build.
Well I don‘t need all my music with me, and I wouldn’t mind downloading the roon playlist.
But having accsess to the whole database on the go would be lovely
Thanks Julian. I fully agree on your points. Love the need to hear „that“ song Happens to me so many times while runnig.
For Video, there’s a lot of competition…Emby, Infuse (Macs), Plex, JRiver, and best of all, Channels DVR. I’ve tried them all.
For portable music, I use the Apple, Tidal or Qobuz App and download.
I would hope Roon 2.0 is integration of more music streamers (Amazon, Apple, etc) especially quality hi res classical and jazz. Maybe integrated room correction?
And how about playing the format ISO ???
One thing for sure, about 50 percent of the people here will complain that it’s not what they want.
Genuinely: at least twice a day, every single day. Playlists are my primary means of accessing music when I’m commuting, cleaning, working, or spending time with family and friends. But I don’t use Roon to make playlists because those playlists can’t be accessed anywhere but home (and Roon doesn’t even fully support one-way sync with Tidal, much less two-way support).
I make playlists in Roon using linked Qobuz albums. Then, I export from Roon to Soundiz and import into Tidal, Qobuz, and Apple Music. Soon, thereafter, they show up in Roon as Tidal and Qobuz playlists, so I have 3 copies in Roon; local, Tidal, and Qobuz.
Out and about, I use Apple Music which I get for free from Verizon Wireless with my cellular plan. That includes almost all of my Tidal and Qobuz albums and all of my playlists.