Roon 2.0 on Parallels?

Has anyone run Roon 2.0 on Parallels on mac?

I have thought about it, but as my Core is on my Mac, not sure what use case installing Roon on Parallels would serve. What are you trying to do?

Roon is developed on Microsoft’s .NET. Up until recently it relied on a less than optimal mono library to run on the mac, so performance on the mac, especially for very large libraries, was compromised.

For this reason one way to have coped with this problem would have been to run Roon on Windows via Parallels, Virtualbox, or similar.

My specific objective is to find out if this works for Roon 2.0 as I run an older mac and would like to run Roon 2.0 (client not core) on this mac.

If you have Parallels, why not try it. Danny has implied that the new .NET implementation on Apple Silicon is now equal to the native Windows and Linux versions, and the Mac version of Roon 2.0 scales equally well as these platforms.

I believe it’s for Microsoft to develop a proper .NET framework for the mac which I think they have done at least for Apple Silicon now.

I will try the Parallels way, I have a license.

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Please post here how it goes. I’m still on an Intel MacBook Pro, waiting one more year before I move to Apple Silicon.


any news for ROON or ROCK on Parallels?
using with parallels on Apple M1