Roon Adjusting Convolution Filter Tap Length [Fix In Progress]

A post was split to a new topic: Roon crashes every night

@benjamin can you provide an update about this bug?

Hey @cass_fisher,

I don’t have much to share at this time - the ticket for this bug is still in progress within our development queue. I’ll be sure to keep you in the loop as things progress. :+1:

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Hi @benjamin I just wanted to share with you comparison measurements of Roon’s convolver vs Hang Loose Convolver:

Conclusion: While Roon may have a convolution bug of some sort, it is definitely not affecting or corrupting the frequency or phase response of these high resolution headphone FIR filters.


This is odd behaviour, thanks for the article @Mitch_Barnett .

I use FIR filters extensively and have never seen this issue (thanks for highlighting)… but all my Tap counts match sampling rates @ a 1:1 ratio.

For what it is worth, I used REW and rephase to create my convolutions.
I hope you get a resolution here…

My experience…
I use Roon to execute 2 way convolution Crossovers (JBL M2) and Room correction, using individual convolution instances/filters. I created convolution files at each sampling rate manually, with a tap count ratio 1:1 with sampling rate. I have never seen the issue you present above (thankfully), but I have had Roon FIR let go, which I am yet to have Roon assistance on to diagnose.

Maybe the Roon display issue doesn’t appear at the tap counts I’m nominating. Very odd.

Here are mine @ each sampling rate.





Here’s a 32k taps, 48kHz sampling rate, stereo convolution filter for your developer team tests:

Roon correctly up/down samples the filter according to source and the correction works as intended but the tap count has the same problem explained above.