Roon and AirPlay on WiiM Mini

As @Simon_Arnold3 said it’s important to upgrade the firmware, so go into the WIIM app and update it there.

I used the WIIM Pro on WiFi with Roon with no issues at all and am currently listening to the WIIM Pro Plus on WiFi at 24/192 with no issues (always depends on the quality of your WiFi of course).

When the WIIM is up to date you should be seeing it in the Room Ready section and then you should be able to enable it there (and maybe disable the other Airplay protocols in Roon to keep it simpler

Latest Firmware, Stong Signal :unamused:

Hey, even if you stream is lossy, if you are happy, that’s what matters. Music is all about passion and you should continue that path. Airplay supports 44.1/16 bit (CD quality). Airplay 2 not. Anyway, Airplay as an endpoint is crappy and Roon is not very found of it. But I guess the WiiM doesn’t have a lot of options connecting to your reciever

Hi Bennan this gets stranger, it’s not showing up in Roon at all.

If we return to basics, is your WiFi network on the same network as your Roon server?

As that is required to find it, but is also mostly required to get Airplay to work.

Nild it isn’t playing anything, only showing up.
That’s what we are trying to work out

Yep same WiFi - the Roon Servers on Unbuntu and hard wired cat 5 (also has the wifi enabled and logged on) but that shouldn’t make a difference should it ? I am guessing its network related as it works fine hard wired just not via wifi?

OK - so when I connect the core via Wifi to the Network then the WiiM works - which isn’t great as it means I now have a slower core connection. My Apple Airport Express was OK connecting wirelessly and it connects OK as Tidal connect so this seems to be an airplay issue. As someone pointed out Airplay sucks/lossy and this is just for the set up in the Kitchen but its a bit rubbish. Will just use Tidal connect.

OK Fixed it - connect the Roon core to the TP Link MESH endpoint thats also hardwired (there’s two etehernet ports on it one for the hardwired connection to the house and now one for the roon core) - going via that must enable the core to see the WiiM.

Strange thing is the signal path now says lossless and its somehow melded together the router and the WiiM. No idea whats going on but it sounds great
Screenshot 2024-02-13 at 10.19.43

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Good news :+1:
Generally if the Ethernet is connected then you do not want to have WiFi connected on the WIIM as you do not know which it is using. But if it is all working now I would leave it as it is.

Mesh WiFi networks that rely on WiFi for the backhaul between nodes, rather than ethernet connections can run you into trouble. More so with Roon than any other music playback software.

Some mesh systems suffer less depending on whether they have a separate band/antenna dedicated to the backhaul.

I have used the 1st gen Google WiFi system (3 of) successfully using WiFi backhaul, but it was a little flakey.

The main thing is you have it working.

The signal path in Roon only deals with the audio elements. Network switches (and the swtich built into a router) are invisible to Roon and generally, assuming they are not faulty, have no impact on the digital data that is delivered to the Roon endpoint (represented by the device with the Roon Symbol - in your case the Wiim Pro Receiver). Anything between the element with the Roon symbol and the output (nothing present in your setup), represent operations performed in your audio devices - but they only appear when the endpoint device reports their presence back to the Roon Server.

If you were to perform any DSP/MUSE operations (e.g. sample rate conversion, equalisation etc), they would appear between the Source and the Roon Endpoint. But they are actually performed inside the Roon Server (apart from DSP volume control - which is done in the endpoint device).

What I have ended up having to do is to connect my Bluesound Node wirelessly to the Wi-Fi mesh node next to it. That’s hardwired to the core. In the Kitchen the WiiM is now connected via Wi-Fi as above.

It seems you can do all Wi-Fi or wired but not a mix of the two.

Fortunately I have 1gb internet and Wi-Fi running at 5-600 so it’s all ok.

Sounds like you have a double NAT/DHCP server going on with your router being one network and the mesh another. This is why it wont see it. This is your setup not Roon. You need to set up the Mesh if it can in bridge mode so it gets all DHCP addresses from the main router, then Roon will work wireless and wired.

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@Simon_Arnold3 may be right, usually is.
Post the IP address of your router and a directly attached component then the IP address of the mesh and an attached component.

@Simon_Arnold3 gets the win. I can’t change the router to modem only (Vodafone don’t allow it) but changed the TP-Link MESH to access points and it’s all good. Some bits hard wired some wireless and all working :grinning:. Thanks for the help everyone got there in the end.


Jolly good, glad what I suggested helped.

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I thought you were working a couple of days ago.
Had it fallen off the wagon after a while?

So you have a hybrid mesh network, the cause of much pain for anyone with a Router that cannot be changed.

My old Virgin fiber router allowed modem only mode which worked great.

Thankfully my new BT modem allowed me to just set a vlan and it worked with my Orbib Mesh.

I just wanted to mix hard wired and Wi-Fi and the only way to previously get it to work was to convert it all to wireless. Thanks to the advice and converting my MESH to access points instead I can use the mix of both. I can’t use a Vodafone router in bridge mode but this works just fine as I don’t use any of the MESH features.

My main workspace and music listening area is in a shed in the garden (which has cat5) but is 20m from the house so a mix is best for me.

Thanks again to all the helped fix things - even ARC now works when I go to the office.

Happy listening from the shed :grin:


Happy words indeed :+1: