Roon and Qobuz support

Would like to ask you to support the Qobuz music streaming service. It offer great quality HD audio tracks. Are you considering it?



264 messages detailing the Qobuz situation:

tl;dr: Qobuz are unable or unwilling to provide the metadata Roon needs to build a full integration.

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Then how does the guy of Audirvana Plus do it? He supports Qobuz (and more). Maybe Roon needs more data?

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As René says above:

tl;dr: Qobuz are unable or unwilling to provide the metadata Roon needs to build a full integration.

Presumably, Audirvana Plus simply reads the data available from the Qobuz website and “wraps” it in the Audirvana shell - i.e., the only data passed through to the Audirvana interface is that available directly from the Qobuz website.

Roon provides a much “richer” experience by providing artist bios, album reviews, etc. It appears that Qobuz is not providing enough (or the “right”) information to make that level of experience possible.

Personally, I’d be happy with simply being able to play Qobuz streaming content via Roon (just like Audirvana does it) and forego the deeper integration (perhaps modeled after the way Internet radio is presented; i.e., what you see is what you get), but that’s not my decision to make :wink:


Qobuz offers an API for skeleton integration: It’s not hard so see why that really wouldn’t fit Roon.

Anyway – the last Qobuz thread ended with this:

and this:

For the same reasons, I expect that one of the @moderators will be closing this one at their earliest convenience. :slight_smile:

Presience … it’s uncanny.