Roon API + IFTTT + Autoremote + Tasker = voice command from my phone?

Hello, I am trying to get my head wrapped around this API. What I would like to do is use voice commands to control Roon. I think I can use javascript to send commands to Roon via the API? If so here is what I am thinking:

Use IFTTT to create custom voice commands that is sent to my Android phone via Webhooks
Use Autoremote + Tasker on my phone to receive and parse the incoming voice command
Use Tasker javascript task to send commands to Roon api

If this is possible can someone help me a bit with the javascript to get Roon to play a certain artist and album? I think if I can get one example working can figure out how other functions.

Thank you very much in advance for any help!


Currently we can’t play an album or artist directly through the APIs. We need to first call the search apis and go deeper from there to album/artist/composer.

You can try one of the implementations that some of the users have made on github if you want to try. You can search those from this sub.

Hope this help,

Can someone please link to this API you’re talking about? Thanks.