Roon API implementations?

Hello everyone,

Are there other implementations of Roon API other than these:

Danny Dulai, API in Node JS:

Christian Riedl, API in C# (.Net):

Greg Dowling, Python API, pyRoon:

Steven Ickman, Roon Kit in TypeScript:

Jan Koudijs (the genius of extensions), API in Rust:

I’m starting to work on a Pascal/Delphi or even Pascal/Lazarus version.



Interesting! Would this allow me to query the Roon content/database?

yes, but there is potentially a long way to go :slightly_smiling_face:

Since Roon doesn’t have a proper or even advanced “intelligent Playlist” function,
I would like to build my Playlists externally.

Therefore I would like to have access to my Songs Tags, Playlists, Favourite (Heart) & Play Counts. But that seeps to be impossible at the moment (or even forever).

Man, really miss MusicBee in that term.