Hello everyone,
Are there other implementations of Roon API other than these:
Danny Dulai, API in Node JS:
- announcement on the Roon forum: About the Roon API category
- Git repository: GitHub - RoonLabs/node-roon-api: Javascript Roon API
Christian Riedl, API in C# (.Net):
- announcement on the Roon forum: .NET (C#) Roon Api implementation
- Git repository: https://github.com/ChristianRiedl/RoonApi
Greg Dowling, Python API, pyRoon:
- project page: roonapi · PyPI
- Git repository: GitHub - pavoni/pyroon: python library to interface with the Roon API
Steven Ickman, Roon Kit in TypeScript:
- announcement on the Roon forum: New Roon Kit API for Node.JS
- Git repository: GitHub - Stevenic/roon-kit: Collection of utility classes that simplify building extensions for Roon.
Jan Koudijs (the genius of extensions), API in Rust:
- extension using this API on Roon: Roon TUI: A Roon Remote for the terminal - New: Zone Presets (v0.3.0)
- Git repository: GitHub - TheAppgineer/rust-roon-api: A Rust port of the RoonLabs node-roon-api
I’m starting to work on a Pascal/Delphi or even Pascal/Lazarus version.