Roon Arc--Any way to shuffle tracks?

This is what I was thinking of, a change with the transition to Roon v1.8 from v1.7:

Not exactly the same thing, but still the behavior I’d prefer to at least have an option for in order to shuffle a large group of tracks. Another benefit of this behavior is to create a random queue of a specified length. I could do this with a playlist, I suppose, but sometimes I’d rather the software make the choice for me.

I still work from this bookmark and still prefer the old behavior (pre 1.8) to the current behavior. The bookmark is actually albums rather than tracks - it includes about 8200 of the 8800 albums in my library, and I when I click shuffle, I get queue of 5129 tracks. Prior to the build mentioned in my post, I would get 1 in my queue, with the option to add additional tracks.

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