Have you successfully located and enabled the UPnP or NAT-PMP settings in your router's web UI?
· UPnP is not listed in my router settings
Describe the issue
Arc was working fine until I got a new iMac Sequoia 15.1.1 where roon is parked. Now it can't access the roon server and I get this error message: { "ipv6_connectivity":{"status":"NetworkError","status_code":504,"error":"error: Error: ETIMEDOUT, response code: undefined, body: undefined connected? undefined"}, "ipv4_connectivity": {"status":"NetworkError","status_code":504,"error":"error: Error: ETIMEDOUT, response code: undefined, body: undefined connected? undefined"}, "external_ip": {"actual_external_ip":"99.hhh.iii.jjj","actual_external_ipv6":"2600:aaa:bbb:ccc:ooo:ppp:qqq:rrr","router_external_ip":"null"}, "natpmp_autoconfig": {"status":"NotFound"}, "upnp_autoconfig": {"status":"NotFound"} }
Describe your network setup
ATT Fiber Optic; The network is entirely ethernet. Also lives on a dedicated electrical circuit. Roon resides on Apple Sequoia 15.1.1 OS. the audio subnet consists of 2 switches, power conditioner, clock, Innuos Zenith MkII SE, and Simaudio 280D dac. I could not locate UpNP but did find NAT referenced (but w/o the "-pmp". There is a tab, NAT/Gaming. In it RoonArc is lised as a Hosted Application with ports TCP/UDP:55000. My iMac is listed as the device. Strangely, below all of that is a heading "Application Hosting Entry" with "Act of War - Direct Action" listed as the service. Below that it says Needed by Device with "Audivosimaudiomind2-501e2d1e0dc0" Any help with restoring Arc will be appreciated. I use it a lot on the road, and while traveling. Pls acknowledge receipt, and thank you in advance for prompt attention!
Hi @Bruce_Orr,
Thanks for reaching out to us about this issue. We have been tracking an issue with Sequoia that this behavior may be related to. If it is the same problem you can solve it by toggling on Local Network access for RoonServer in System Settings → Privacy & Security → Local Network. If it already looks toggled on flip it off and then one again.
Let us know whether this resolves your issue.
I had done the Privacy/Local Network toggle a few days ago as no network audio zones were displaying. It worked. I just toggled again and it did not solve my ARC problem. ARC worked fine with my 2017 iMac and its outdated OS.
I recommend installing Tailscale instead of relying on port forwarding for ARC. On a Mac RoonServer, it’s as simple as installing the free app.
See here:
Otherwise, you’ll need to manually configure a port forwarding rule in your router settings under the IPv4 or Security tab (usually). This will involve creating a TCP-format rule matching the port and IP address from Roon Settings → ARC.
Note that some service providers will implement CG-NAT, which can block port forwarding. It’s for that reason that we recommend Tailscale.
Connor - Hi, appreciate your help and suggestion. Sorry to report, but I have not had any success downloading Tailscale to my Mac or iOS, connecting them and getting ARC to work. For me anyuway, it’s a little more complex than the directions make it sound, or I’m making it a lot more complex. Not sure which, but definitely need some help. While I sent a support request to Tailscale, I feel like I could make a lot of progress more quickly with your help - since you are familiar with the roon/Arc end of things.
I think I have Tailscale installed and working, but can’t fully test away from home this weekend.
I’d like to confirm that when Tailscale is connected and working, the ARC setup page in the roon settings on my iMac will say the opposite - “roon ARC is not ready”, and I should “start trouble shooting”.
The answer here is yes. You can expect RoonServer to still display “not ready” in the UPnP port forwarding diagnostic page (Settings → ARC) when you’re using Tailscale.
We’re working on a more user-friendly message for this page when Tailscale is the connection protocol. Thanks for your patience.