ROON ARC CarPlay add and like on info screen

It would be nice if Roon ARC Carplay had the option to add (+) and like (:heart:) a song/album directly on the info screen.

With driver safety in mind I don’t think this is a good idea, sorry. To many driver get distracted as it is, adding more interactive features to CarPlay could easily distract a driver.

For clarity, I drive up to 60,000 miles per year. The amount of drivers I see each day doing stupid stuff is amazing. A lady today was eating her breakfast from a bowl with a spoon, steering with her knees at 60mph :scream:


I would think that it would reduce dangerous behavior if it was simple and easy to press a button on the info center, instead of having to open the phone.

Other music services have this feature.


I agree. People, listening to a song they like, will rarely say “ok, I’ll remember to put my heart on this (and this, and this…) when I turn off the car and take out my phone”.

Touching the car’s display for an immediate like (and to see if that song already has a heart or not) is less distracting than reading the title of the song on the same display

As a bicycle rider I’d prefer if car drivers focused on driving instead, but as we can’t force them it may be best to choose the least distracting option. This is still better than them picking up the phone, even though this is a stupid and reckless thing to do.

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Sure. The ideal solution would be for it to happen via the voice assistant (maybe in the future?), but I think that in these cases we need to be realistic and analyze the actual state of things.

Even if we live in different countries, I think the situation is quite similar: most people are distracted while driving, so we need to think of solutions that minimize distraction.

What are the major iterations with ARC while listening in the car? In addition to searching and various actions on playback, probably the next one is putting the heart on the track (ok, also restarting the app to make it work properly, but that’s another story :smile:)

Well arguably the only thing a driver should do is choose music and listen to it.

If I read a driver talk about „having to open the phone“ to edit their music database, I get angry. No they do not have to.

But I agree that since we can’t stop them doing things that might kill me, it’s pragmatic to give them the least likely weapon


I was driving on my way home today from a family day out. Arc was in full swing and Arc/Roon radio was in charge. Several songs came on that really ticked the right boxes. Driving on twisty roads and at high speeds, I knew my play history would show up in Arcs Queue as played items.

So I will go back through them later and add the subsequent albums to a list to listen to.

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I don’t use Roon ARC very much via CarPlay due to the lack of a feature to give a quick add/like.

I use Spotify or YouTube Music instead which have those features, but I would rather train Roon to improve my daily playlists and recommendations, and add tracks to my library.

And it’s not like I’m fumbling with the info center at full speed on the highway, or in heavy traffic, but under the right circumstances you can spare 1 second to press the info center.

I don’t have a death wish. :upside_down_face:

That’s why I think Roon Arc should have very limited functionality other than playing music.

Toyota has a very smart safety feature for its screen-related activities. Only a small set of an app’s features are operable whenever the car is in gear and moving.

I don’t know how widespread this technique is among car makers, but to me it seems to address both safety and provide a fuller array of performance options.

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Is this seriously missing? How can a basic functionality like this not exist? Sure idiots exist behind the wheel, you can find them on bicycles too you know, but it’s no reason not to include basic functionality in an app that is made to be used in the car anyway, make it simple to use ffs. I’m considering coming back to Roon, but if I have to pay for a bad user experience, I’ll think I go elsewhere.