Roon ARC connection error between iPhone and Roon server with Fortigate 40F managed switch (ref#VA2UG6)

Roon Server Machine

Unraid on a Core i7 12700T
Motherboard ASRockRack W680D4U-2L2T/G5

Networking Gear & Setup Details

  1. Who is your internet service provider?

  2. Please list the make and model of your modem and router?
    Fritzbox 7530AX

  1. Do you have any additional network hardware, like additional routers or managed switches?

Fortigate 40F OS 7.4.6 as exposed host at Fritzbox
Connection is working see screenshot

2 Fortiswitches 124F

  1. Does your network have any VPNs, proxy servers, or enterprise-grade security?

1 IPSEC-Tunnel to Work

Connected Audio Devices

Eversolo DMP-A6

For ARC iphone 14

Description of Issue -

What is the exact port forwarding error message you see in the Roon Settings → ARC tab?

diagnostic shows

"ipv4_connectivity": {"status":"NetworkError","status_code":504,"error":"error: Error: ETIMEDOUT, response code: undefined, body: undefined connected? undefined"},
"external_ip": {"actual_external_ip":"92.ddd.eee.fff","actual_external_ipv6":"null","router_external_ip":"null"},
"natpmp_autoconfig": {"status":"NotFound"},
"upnp_autoconfig": {"status":"NotFound"}

Arc on iPhone says
connecting > connects > Syncing with roon server for first time > Who’s listening today? > after selecting the user

Your roon server is online, but there's an issue that's preventingaccess. go to roon app..bla

I rarely used it before, but it worked! Now i have enough data for the iphone to use it, and it will not work…

ARC should alway work when the phone is connected to the same network as your Roon Server (i.e. when using your home WiFi). However, when using a Cellular service or a WiFi service other than your own, ARC will not work unless you have set up port forwarding or Tailscale.

It looks like your router is not configured for port forwarding. Your router is not provideing a uPnP or natPMP service and, from the diagnostic text above, there is no evidence that you have correctly set up a manual port forwarding rule.

The Roon Help pages on Port forwarding can be found at:

Further help with port forwarding trouble shooting, should you need it, can be found at:

The alternative to setting up port forwarding, is to set up Tailscale on the Roon Server. The Roon help centre also has a handy guide for this at:

There are linked pages for detailed instructions for installing Tailscale on the common Roon Server platforms but Unraid is not among them.

Instead, you can follow the directions given at:

Note: If tailscale is used, the port forwarding status will continue to indicate that Roon ARC is ‘not ready’ and you will continue to get the diagnostic text describing the problems with port forwarding. This is normal and expected and can be ignored.

sorry, that’s not the problem.

The fortigate clearly states, the traffic from the phone is answered by the roon-Server.
There is trafic from to which is the IP on the wanside of the fortigate, and it’s mapped to the external ip. All traffic is answered. see screenshot.
Portforwarding is active and ok.

ARC won’t work in internal network either. it’s the same error exactly.

Sorry. I misread your comment about it working before.

I’m not familiar with Fortisgate so I can’t really help further.

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Hi @Kai_Schmalenbach,

This thread indicates you might require assistance from Roon technical support.

To equip the Roon Technical Support team to assist you directly, please follow this link to provide the details of your case to Technical Support: Technical Support Request

Respond to the prompts there to ensure that you’ve performed basic troubleshooting and to ensure Technical Support has the full details necessary to expedite Technical Support’s investigation into the case. Your responses will auto-generate a Community thread in the appropriate section.

I’ll close this thread now, and a moderator can merge the content into the support ticket.

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What’s happening?

· I'm having trouble with Roon ARC

What best describes your issue with ARC

· I can't log into ARC but I can log into Roon

How can we help?

· None of the above

Other options

· My Roon software won't start up

Describe the issue

issue described in Forum
There is traffic between the iPhone with arc and the roon-Server, but it says, something is wrong with roon

Describe your network setup

1und1 DSL > Fritzbox 7530AX > Exposed Host > Fortigate 40F (no filters on the roon rules) > Unraid > Docker > Roon
it worked before.

i did this, what and when do i have to expect?

Roon support processes tickets according to the date and time received. Your ticket was created on a weekend, it’s now Monday, and the working day has barely started in the US.

1 Like

Thanks for the info. So, i just need to wait.

Hi @Kai_Schmalenbach,

If I’m understanding this correctly, your next-gen firewall in the enterprise-grade switches is blocking traffic to and from ARC from your RoonServer, which you’re running in a docker?

You’re going to need to establish a single, reliable network path for NAT traversal between your server and the phone, and you’ll need to restrict RoonServer’s access to whatever network interface serves this pathway on your RoonServer machine.

Tailscale, if installed on both server and phone, will create a proxy mesh that bypasses the Fortinet apparatus entirely. We usually recommend that route for networks with this level of security.

1&1 has widely restricted IPv4 addresses and implemented DS-Lite/CG-NAT across their residential tier. Tailscale will also reliably traverse CG-NAT.

Dear Connor,
no, the firewall is fine. It even started working a few hours after ticket creation, but roon still reports

"ipv4_connectivity": {"status":"NetworkTimeout","status_code":998,"error":""},
"external_ip": {"actual_external_ip":"92.ddd.eee.fff","actual_external_ipv6":"null","router_external_ip":"null"},
"natpmp_autoconfig": {"status":"NotFound"},
"upnp_autoconfig": {"status":"NotFound"}

It seems it’s kind of not getting, or falsly reporting to roon, which IP is used… maybe that’s due to 1und1, while dslite is disabled by choice.

It would be very kind of you, to tell me, how to configure roon, not to use the discovery script for determing the IP, but putting in dynds.tld instead, that would solve the problem once and for all, because it seems it isn’t stable and i want to put an end to it without using another service i really don’t need.

kind regards
Kai Schmalenbach

is there an answer to be expected?

Is there something more to come?

Hi @Kai_Schmalenbach,

Thank you for your patience. Unfortunately, we don’t have evidence this situation is not highly specific to the enterprise-grade network components and docker-based environment in which you’re running Roon.

You’re welcome to submit a Feature Suggestions or post in Roon Software Discussion and Tinkering, but we’re not able to dedicate resources toward pursuing a solution in this subcategory.

Excuse me, but are you serious?
This is a pretty straight forward job.
I’ve got an VIP, which listens to port 5**** on my public IP-Adress and it points to the roon-Server on the same port.
Again, it works at the moment, but your script, which determins my ip-Adress and the port doesn’t work properly with this.
All i need is to know, where to put IP/FQDN and port manually and fortget about this script, you use. or are you telling me, there is no way, to do this?

btw. I do this for a living, and so far, till today, every service i made public this way, is still up running. No matter if dyndns or static IP. there is no real challenge in it. it’s your script, that is challenging.

Hi @Kai_Schmalenbach,

I’m sorry that we’re not able to provide what you’re looking for, but Roon’s official support apparatus at this time does not extend to include enterprise-grade managed networks involving components like the Fortigate 40F.

We can move this to Tinkering if you’d like.

Hello Connor,
Thanks for your answers.
please do it.

I allready started a thread in Featuresuggestions

Kind regards

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