Roon ARC Connectivity Issue Away from Home (ref#N5ISTH)

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Roon ARC doesn't connect when away from home after the latest update. It's odd because I get an error message when looking at the Roon ARC setting in the Roon app, but it works when I'm home. See below for error log.

"ipv4_connectivity": {"status":"NetworkError","status_code":504,"error":"error: Error: ETIMEDOUT, response code: undefined, body: undefined connected? undefined"},
"external_ip": {"actual_external_ip":"","actual_external_ipv6":"null","router_external_ip":"null"},
"natpmp_autoconfig": {"status":"NotFound"},
"upnp_autoconfig": {"server_ip":"","found_upnp":true,"error":"s:ClientUPnPError718ConflictInMappingEntry"}

The port forwarding settings required to use ARC from outside of your home network are not being setup because there is already a port forwarding rule using the ARC port (Conflict in mapping entry).

Whilst on the home network, the port forwarding is not required so it works but without the port forwarding access from an external network is impossible.

The easiest fix for this is to change the port that ARC uses from 55000 (or whatever it is currently set to) to a different port in the range 1025 to 65535 - say 60000.

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Hi @Peter_Rodriguez,
Thanks for writing in to let us know about this issue. Did @Wade_Oram’s suggestion fix the issue for you?

I’ve run through a few different port numbers, but still get the same message when testing the ARC connection in the Roon app. A few times it gave me nothing in the text box. When I ran ARC after leaving my house yesterday it worked for a while, but I take the subway in NYC to commute and as soon as my signal dropped when the train went underground it wouldn’t connect again. Previously it would still work with the small network interruptions that come between stations, maybe having a hiccup if the train was going slowly through the tunnel, but always connecting back. I tried again after work and it just straight up wouldn’t connect.

I don’t know if this could be the issue, but my server’s IP address changed. It used to be and changed to after the latest update. On the ARC connection tab it was showing the old IP address ending in 100 with no way to change it. I’m playing music at home where I have my TV as a display and it wasn’t pulling anything up on the web browser. I changed the IP address in the URL but still wasn’t getting anything. I looked at the IP address again and the last number is now 16 instead of 19. Looking at the ARC tab again and I see that the server IP is now ending in 16. I’ll be able to test this tomorrow on my commute to see if this fixed the issue. Another issue though is now the browser isn’t showing anything except the Roon logo. No lyrics, song name or anything else.

Sorry for the delay in responding to you.

By browser do you mean the Roon client or something else?

I use my Samsung TV’s web browser as a Roon display sometimes when I play music. Prior to this it operates as it should, showing track name, artist images and lyrics. Now it just shows the Roon logo.

Can you check if the IP address changed under settings → display?

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