Roon ARC connectivity issue with 2 routers

Roon Core Machine


Networking Gear & Setup Details

“Ultra+ Broadband” from Utility Warehouse (UK) claimed average of 53mbs speed into a supplied router: MediaAccess TG588v v2

The MediaAccess TG588v v2 router only gives about 38mbs wifi speed and so I have a Rock Space AC2100 Smart WIFI Router connected via ethernet cable. The rock space gives me 52mbs wifi speed.

The Nucleus is ethernet cabled into the Rock Space AC2100 and all my devices are on the Rock Space WIFI.

Connected Audio Devices

The Nucleus is ethernet cabled into the Rock Space AC2100 and all my devices are on the Rock Space WIFI.

All remotes through WIFI 4 on 50mbs: 1x Dell Inspiron 17 3000 Laptop, 2x Android & 2x Iphone

Number of Tracks in Library

13,144 tracks

Description of Issue

I’m not naturally technical so please speak in layman’s terms where possible! :slight_smile:

Below is the diagnostic data for when trying to set up Roon Arc. I am confident that the upnp functionality is enabled on both routers so I am at a loss where to go next. I don’t know if the router on top of a router setup I have described above the major issue here or if there is something simple that can fix this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

{“connectivity”: {“status”:“NetworkError”,“status_code”:504,“error”:“error: Error: ETIMEDOUT, response code: undefined, body: undefined connected? undefined”},
“external_ip”: {“actual_external_ip”:“80.ddd.eee.fff”,“router_external_ip”:“”},
“status”: “status”: MultipleNatFound
“natpmp_autoconfig”: {“status”:“NotFound”},
“upnp_autoconfig”: {“server_ip”:“”,“found_upnp”:true}}

Hi @Tim_Clegg,

The error message says you have a double NAT problem with the combination of the ISP supplied modem/router and your Rock Space router. You can see that they are on a different subnet 192.168.1.xx and 192.168.0.xx.
You can try one of the following:

  1. Port forward in the first modem to the ip address of the Rock Space router and port forward in the Rock Space to ip address of the Roon Core.
  2. In your ISP modem set a DMZ to the ip address of you Rock router and make the port forward there to Roon Core
  3. Set you ISP modem to bridge mode and make the rule in the Rock router


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Many thanks Joost, I’ve sorted it now, thank you!


You shouldn’t do that

This is not exactly right, @Suedkiez.
If you have one router this is not the way to route the traffic to the device with the Roon Core. That is correct.
But if you have two routers in the chain and all your devices are connected to the second router and therefore all traffic goes directly to that router then you can use a DMZ in the first router to sent all traffic directly and bypass the firewall. The firewall in the second router must be active of course and delivers the security.

That’s correct, if you put the second router into the ISP router’s DMZ, then port forward from the second router to the core.

Sorry, I misread your previous post as if it was saying to put the core machine directly into the DMZ. My fault, I was thrown by the term “Rock router” which didn’t register in my brain

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@Tim_Clegg, you mention you are sorted, can you provide any details on how you resolved your ARC connection issue?

Hi Robert, I did explore the recommendations here, but at the same time I posed the problem to my ISP.

They responded well by sending me a better modem / router that now providers 60mbs speeds without the need for the rock space. As a result, Arc set up seamlessly worked the first time of asking with the single router.

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Unfortunately, even in the scenario you describe, this is not something you should do. The OP has a nucleus. By putting the nucleus in the DMZ, you open up the network share - including the music, database, OS files on there - to the entire internet. You can (and probably will) be hit with ransomware and other nasty stuff.

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When the Nucleus/Core is connected to the second router, behind the firewall of that router, IMO that is a safe setup. Does having a Nucleus as core make a difference?

Putting it behind the second router would be safe, if both routers are under your control (and the first one is not under the control of your ISP), or put it differently, if you don’t share the local network of the first router with others.


Just to clarify, in the “safe” scenario I described above, there really isn’t much point in using DMZ over just port forwarding, unless for some mysterious and unlikely reason the router allows DMZ but not port forwarding

I agree. I’m using a DMZ in the router of my ISP to redirect all traffic to my own, second router so I don’t have two firewalls working in the chain. Because I can not set the ISP router to bridge mode.

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