Roon ARC NetworkError ECONNREFUSED 502 Error (ref#44Y4G0)

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Can't setup connection with Roon

Roon ARC is not able to connect from outside the home. I receive the following error when I Test the the connection:

"ipv4_connectivity": {"status":"NetworkError","status_code":502,"error":"error: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED 47.ddd.ggg.hhh:55002, response code: undefined, body: undefined"},
"external_ip": {"actual_external_ip":"47.ddd.ggg.hhh","actual_external_ipv6":"null","router_external_ip":"null"},
"natpmp_autoconfig": {"status":"NotFound"},
"upnp_autoconfig": {"server_ip":"","found_upnp":true,"error":"doaction request return statuscode: UnknownError"}

I currently am an ASUS GT-AXE 16000 wireless router with Port Forwarding enabled. I also have all Firewalls turned off. What is the best settings I should be using?

Hi @Carlos_Cabezas

Welcome to Roon

I’m just a fellow user

Your error message shows UPnP is enable but there’s an error with it.

Have you setup a manual port forwarding rule?

If yes, turn off UPnP. I’d also see if you can turn of IPv6 at the same time.

Hi @Carlos_Cabezas,

Did you see @AMT’ response above? If you’ve configured port forwarding manually, then UPnP will just be attempting to re-create the same rules.

Once you’ve disabled UPnP, I recommend trying a few different port numbers in both Roon → Settings → ARC and the manual rule you’ve created. Sometimes, other software will compete for the same open port, or your ISP may have changed their reserved port ranges since configuring.

If you’re still having difficulty, post the most recent diagnostic snippet under “Not Ready” on the ARC settings page. We’ll identify the error from there. You may be behind a layer of CG-NAT on the part of your internet service provider - it’s worth searching around in the Roon Community forums here for the name of your ISP to see if other users have the same experience.

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I had the same problem, I used port forwarding on my router because Roon Arc’s default port 55000 was busy, I redirected from 55000 to 55002 on my router and put 55002 in the configuration from Roon Arc and it worked. Regards

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