Roon Arc not ready - Bell Giga Hub 4000

Roon Core Machine

Dells XPS15 9560 Windows 10

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Bell Giga Hub 4000
No VPN connected, all firewalls checked and are allowing Roon to pass.
Connected to Ethernet

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

I have left Roon for this reason, and came back many months later to the exact same issue again.
The error code is all I have, I tried to look for port forwarding but no one explains it adequately, every tutorial just says “do it”, without going into detail. I am very very very lost at this point.

Here is the error code;

“ipv4_connectivity”: {“status”:“NetworkError”,“status_code”:504,“error”:“error: Error: ETIMEDOUT, response code: undefined, body: undefined connected? undefined”},
“external_ip”: {“actual_external_ip”:“”,“actual_external_ipv6”:“null”,“router_external_ip”:“null”},
“natpmp_autoconfig”: {“status”:“NotFound”},
“upnp_autoconfig”: {“status”:“NotFound”}

I would appreciate any help,


The UPnP service on the router is most likely not enabled. This service is used so that Roon can set up the necessary stuff automatically. Most routers have it enabled by default, some don’t.

Unfortunately, I cannot find a manual for the Bell Home Hub 4000 and their online documentation is woeful. So I can’t tell you how to turn it on. If you have a manual for the router, maybe it tells you - or Bell support can.

If not, you can alternatively set up port forwarding rules manually. Again, the woeful documentation does not allow me to quote anything, but here is a Youtube video that apparently explains it. You will need to know these things, which you need to enter into the port forwarding rule:

  1. The IP address of your Roon Core and the port number that Roon ARC wants to use. You can get those from the regular Roon app > Settings > Roon ARC.
  2. The protocol for the port forwarding rule. There should be a choice for that, TCP or UDP. Choose TCP.

The video:

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@Akella maybe you already found this - I see now in the video where it says to go to port forwarding in the advanced setting, the router’s admin page shows a little switch for UPnP as well. Enabling this should hopefully do it.

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Hi, thanks for the quick response
I was able to fix it on my own, so I will leave a step by step of how I did it for others just in case;

Go to Port Forwarding > Create a new rule >

Protocol: TCP
Internal Port : Copy what the Roon Arc Tab in Roon is telling you under “port”
External Port : Same as internal port.
Local IP address / Device name : I just selected the option it gave me which was my device’s name.


Good work, enjoy! :slight_smile:

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