ROON ARC on MacBook Air M2

Roon Core Machine

MacBook Air M2 RAM 16 GO, Memory 512 GO

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Wifi -

  1. Who is your internet service provider?
  2. Please list the make and model of your modem and router?
  3. Do you have any additional network hardware, like additional routers or managed switches?
  4. Does your network have any VPNs, proxy servers, or enterprise-grade security?

ESET Cyber Security Pro

Connected Audio Devices

LUMIN D2 Ethernet
QNAP NAS HS-453-DX Ethernet
Tidal on Roon

Description of Issue -

What is the exact port forwarding error message you see in the Roon Settings → ARC tab?

Hello, I am not able to set my MACBOOK AIR M2 to connect ROONARC on the go. Here is the error message :{
“ipv4_connectivity”: {“status”:“NetworkError”,“status_code”:502,“error”:“error: Error: read ECONNRESET, response code: undefined, body: undefined”},
“external_ip”: {“actual_external_ip”:“”,“actual_external_ipv6”:“null”,“router_external_ip”:“”},
“natpmp_autoconfig”: {“status”:“NotFound”},
“upnp_autoconfig”: {“server_ip”:“”,“found_upnp”:true}

Best regards,

They have a manual online for setting up port forwarding on the Helix router. Did you follow this?

@Gaetan_Patenaude, not sure what the specific error code means as I have not seen that before, but want to confirm that no other router or switch in in your network. Typically when another LAN IP address is referenced, in this case, that means there may be another network router or even another network within your home that is being used.

Can you confirm the IP address of your Roon Core just to check that it also is on the 10.0.0.a subnet?

The ECONNRESET error was only posted once before on the forum in a searchable way, which was here

Probably unrelated and there was no UPnP success in this case either. But something seems to be resetting the connection in either case. As it was related to the great firewall in the Chinese case, I was wondering about this in the current case:

I would recommend that @Gaetan_Patenaude turns this temporarily off for testing. If that helps, he’ll have to configure exceptions for Roon, probably. (The Core is on this MacBook where this ESET firewall is running, as far as I understood)

The Videotron manual I copied above seems to say that their router IP is

which would be consistent with the OP’s
“upnp_autoconfig”: {“server_ip”:“”,“found_upnp”:true}
and looks OK

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Hello, Thank you for the link - in fact I did visit this page but I overlooked the section. I did succeed to make the forwarding, the connexion between my Mac is powerful but still the same error message remains

I confirm that the core IP address of my core is as follow

The IP and forwarding stuff all seems fine. I’d try without the ESET for testing

I’d try but the error message remains

That’s with ESET good off? Did you reboot everything after turning it off? Sometimes such tools leave lingering trace until you do

I did succeed to make it work with ESET Firewall disabled. I did add Roon app and the IP Adress of my Roon Core in the list of elements that set Firewall should allowed. I will try to enabled the Firewall and see what it is happening.

It is good to see a window showing that it is working ::slight_smile:


That’s great. You can find the necessary firewall exceptions here:

I tried to tell EST which app to allow but I did not find the - and the error window appeared. So I did let ESET enabled in order to keep my network protected.

I am not sure what to do?

I will look at it tomorrow.

But at home my music sound great!!!

Thanks again for your help.

Hmm, I am not entirely sure if that page is correct. There are some posts on the forum saying that the only is installed when installing the Roon Server version.

In the full Roon app, I see that a RAATServer executable is bundled into the package:

Not sure if that’s the one or how to add that. Doesn’t ESET maybe have an option to display the applications that tried to establish network connections and to allow them directly from that list?

Otherwise I guess we need someone who knows how to allow Roon on the macOS firewall and that to add there. I have no idea

Hi, I got it. I found the following How to in the FAQ section on the Eset web site :[KB3275] Create a firewall rule to allow/disallow use of a certain application in ESET Cyber Security Pro

and the error window has disappeared.

Thanks again for your patient help.


Congratulations, that was good and quick work by you. Enjoy your on-the-go ARC :slight_smile:

Thank. I am not a specialist of the Digital world, but I did start my college studies in Computer sciences in the 1970s and I did remain curious about the Internet world. Today everything is one way or another linked with a computer - so I am lucky to have kept myself up-to-date :slight_smile:

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