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I’ve merged your post to this topic … See …
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Hi All,
Has there been any talk of Arc iPad support progress yet? I know its a giant mobile app at the moment and wanted to know if I have missed any updates on the subject.
Hi @Paul_Whittaker, No change / announcements since my December 2023 post above.
Any news on that ? Listening mostly on ipad while on the move the app integration is less than ideal.
You cannot for example split screen with two app with ARC.
I use Roon and Roon ARC. The Roon ARC app is phone orientated and looks quite chonky on my iPad, and my 1st thought was: well, it would be nice if there was a version of the ARC app that took advantage of the additional screen real estate available on the iPad. My 2nd (and in my view better) thought was: why not just make the Roon remote server a connection option inside the main Roon app? I’d be interested to know from @danny if that is possible (and if not why not…)
An iPad ARC is on the roadmap
There are many older discussion about this. In short, Roon‘s stance was that there were pros and cons both to developing ARC as a separate app and to doing it in one app. For now they decided to develop it separately, but future integration isn’t ruled out.
My guess is that as ARC picks up features, RAAT might be integrated in it, and the final unified app may be ARC-based. However, I suppose that this will need at least feature parity and we aren’t there yet, cf. Focus. And there will be some UI challenges to solve.
When Using Roon Arc om larger displays or on landscape displays the software does not make use of the displaysize at hand. Small covers where the could easily be larger text that could also be larger. Can this be changed in the near future. Would also be nice if speach (like in Android Auto) would be also available in the Roon ARC itself.
Kind regards,
B. van Diermen
Good afternoon,
Just to know if a concrete RoadMap for iPAD versione for ARC is on the road or it is just an idea.
If yes, it is possible to see it?
Frankly speaking … I don’t understand what you mean.
The link I shared is a feature request for Arc on tablets. You can vote for it, but it appears it’s now on Roons roadmap.
Roon don’t make public their roadmap of features coming though.
Ok … now understand.
I imagine that roon doesn’t provide roadmaps because it was “surprise” the market but knowing that something is coming could help to keep its clients. For instance, i love rooms but I didn’t marry with them and i’m looking for other competitors product because I don’t see any attractive new features.
I still have 6 months subscription valid (already set without auto at renewal). For me an ipad version will be an important reason to keep roon. But anyway …Thanks for the link.
Having a public roadmap has some advantages but also disadvantages. It’s always possible that planned features have to be delayed, changed considerably in comparison to what users expected, or entirely scrapped during development, and then users feel betrayed or otherwise upset. I think I have read (but I wasn’t here then) that in the beginning Roon did speak about future plans but stopped doing that when it caused more discontent than it was worth.
I’ve merged your post to here.
If this feature suggestion is important to you, please vote for it by using the Vote button at the top of the thread. Thank you.
it blows my mind that’s still not available.
Me too, its been 2 years since we were told they are working on it.