Roon ARC security notification

I received the Malwarebytes notification (below) with RoonServer running on my Windows 10 computer. The port (redacted) is the Roon ARC port. Also below are results from searching the IP address in question.

Roon Remote was not running on any of my devices and nothing was playing on any endpoint.

I’m not very technical about these things. How worried should I be about security breaches through the Roon ARC port? How can I completely disable Roon ARC from the RoonServer?

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The first thing you would do is turn OFF UPNP on your router. After that, you can then go into the Roon, settings ARc Setup and enter 0 as a port number in the box.

This is precisely why we need a better means of connection. One that doesn’t involve opening up a port onto the internet. Hackers and bots are constantly scanning for open ports. Lets hope a future version of ARC will alleviate the need for port forwarding.

Just because a port is open doesn’t mean it’s possible to connect to it

I disagree. Today There are so many possibilities in finding security holes (metasploit, 0 day etc.).

That still doesn’t mean that just because a port is open it’s vulnerable.