Roon ARC - Shuffle all songs [done]

What is Plex?

Yes please, Iā€™m not exaggerating when I say that I have absolutely no use for ARC without this feature. The Qobuz app doesnā€™t do it either, so I actually pay for Apple Music just so I have this feature. I am not going to stop and change music while Iā€™m driving, and my music is on all day at work, shuffling all. It has been Roon/Qobuz at home, and Apple Music outside of the home, and it will continue to be. I had so much hope that I could discontinue Apple Music I donā€™t like having to maintain 2 services, but itā€™s the only option I have.


You have my vote, yes please please add this option.
One of my favorite ways to use Roon at home is shuffle ALL songs and do that for a bit and when I really get into an artist thatā€™s playing Iā€™ll just go into an album or something like that.

I use ARC mainly in my car which means i need to pick an album or playlist, not bad per se but hitting shuffle and just going about my day would be nice.

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Please add shuffle all tracks. Especially now that CarPlay is enabled.

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Yeah, it surprising this isnā€™t already a feature. It seems like a no-brainer.

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hopefully this request gets merged along with the ability to access saved Focus bookmarks. Shuffling saved / bookmarked focusā€™s accounts for 90% of my Roon listening experience .

Agree immensely. Roon radio but no shuffle? Mmm

Yeah! Please shuffle :twisted_rightwards_arrows: !

The entire albumā€™s random play function is essential in Roon ARC. Put it in, please.

Add your vote to the top.

Please addd shuffle feature

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Its there next to the play button

No option to shuffle entire library, like on the remote


I agree 100% ā€¦ abilty to shuffle my entire library would be the single most useful feature for mobile listening when in the car.

I have Apple Music for that very purpose, just go to ā€œtracksā€ and then select shuffle for random play.

Please add shuffle play to ARC.


:100: wish that shuffle should work on ARC with your library.

Yes, please add Shuffle of all Library tracks ā€“ this is how I normally start playing Roon desktop.

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I can understand doing this with a large playlist or a focused or bookmarked selection, but unless you have a very limited and narrow focused/genre library it would be unlikey for most uses as a needed feature. In my use case I have 300K+ tracks in my library shared with family so playing everything randomly would just be a total messā€¦some includes comedy and audio books too.

I know that this was flagged when Arc was first released as a significant functionality gap, but nothing was done to address it, and those posts are now closed.

When I use Roon at home my most common usage is to filter tracks or albums using tags, or to go to the tags section directly. Once I have the filtering I want, I use the play now menu to shuffle the selection.

Can we please get this pretty basic seeming enhancement Roon? For what itā€™s worth, Iā€™m a lifetime subscriber, but as it stands Roon Arc simply doesnā€™t live up to its promise for me and my family.

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There are 7 open feature suggestion topics for various ARC shuffle things. Cast your vote :slight_smile:

Use Roon and Roon remote at home. Roon ARC is for mobile use and, as such, is not fully functional, nor should it be. Lifetime has nothing to do with anything, except how we choose to pay.