Roon ARC Test Fails with ETIMEDOUT Error (ref#QMAOO6)

Affected Product

Roon ARC

ARC Issue Category

Description of Issue

I managed to set up Roon ARC with port forwarding, everything seems to be working fine, but the desktop app’s test fails with a peculiar error message:

“ipv4_connectivity”: {“status”:“NetworkError”,“status_code”:504,“error”:“error: Error: ETIMEDOUT, response code: undefined, body: undefined connected? undefined”},
“external_ip”: {“actual_external_ip”:“”,“actual_external_ipv6”:“null”,“router_external_ip”:“null”},
“natpmp_autoconfig”: {“status”:“NotFound”},
“upnp_autoconfig”: {“status”:“NotFound”}

My actual public IP is and I have other apps that works fine in the same setup. It’s basically just FYI, I do not think I need any assistance since apart from this test it works.

To clarify: the IP address is like this “” in Roon’s report, it’s not me masking it.

Roon Server Platform

Roon Server Specifications

QNAP TVS-1282, i5, 16Gb RAM

Connected Audio Devices

no problems with audio devices

Home Network Details

QNAP is connected to the network with 4 trunked 1 GbE lines. The network is Unifi based with a pretty standard setup: a couple switches, a couple access points, PPPoE WAN connection. All IPv4. A couple ports forewarded for different services. They all seem to work, but tests are shaky for Roon and others. Is it a problem with how the connection is being tested?

Hi @Vitaliy_Istomov,

Thank you for your post.

  1. The IPv4 obfuscation you’re seeing in the ARC diagnostic message is simply an additional layer of security for users who copy/paste with indiscretion. RoonServer’s transactions use the actual WAN IP address without alphabetic replacements.

  2. RoonServer relies on the UPnP or NATPMP stack in the Unifi router to autoconfigure port forwarding. The diagnostic message above indicates that the stack is unreachable from your RoonServer machine.
    You’ll need to either:
    a) manually set a port forwarding rule in any NAT-capable device upstream of the RoonServer machine matching the port assignment/static IP
    b) Verify that UPnP is up-to-date and active in your Unifi main router

  1. If the above doesn’t work, then who is your ISP? They might have implemented CG-NAT upstream of your account.

Just to clarify, is ARC connecting outside of your LAN? If so, then these questions will be purely illuminatory.

The only difference between ARC’s port forward and the port test is that the latter does not ping your phone - it simply tests the upstream/downstream throughput of the assigned port to an external server.

Hi @connor , yes, ARC app on my phone works well, so it is purely to highlight for Roon’s team that there is something going on with the test and it fails despite everything is configured well and works. Don’t hesitate to reach out in case I can provide more details to you.

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A post was split to a new topic: UPnP Error in ARC Diagnostics

Hi @Vitaliy_Istomov,

The critical component for our team is whether ARC functions on a cellular connection without any WiFi involved. Are you able to confirm this is the case?


Hi @connor ,

It looks like some misalignment to me between the actual network access and the check logic to show whether it is available in Roon desktop app in Settings / Roon ARC and the ARC app. Here is what I observe apart from the described above:

  1. I forcestop the ARC app, clear caches and local storage. It is the newest version available to me today on Play Store. Roon server and desktop apps are also updated.
  2. I disable wifi, the phone switches to 5G.
  3. I start ARC app.
  4. I log in.
  5. It sees my server, but shows an orange dot and says it is only available on the local network.
  6. I tap it anyway.
  7. It connects and asks me to pick user.
  8. I pick the user, I see albums, I start playing and it works.

I hope it helps. Let me know if I can share more information or logs with you.

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Hi @Vitaliy_Istomov,

Thank you for the update. What happens if you attempt to change the APN in the phone’s network settings when connected via cellular? The port test doesn’t ping the phone downstream, it only checks to see if upstream servers receive packets through the port.