Roon ARC unable to connect to ROCK server via Sonicwall NSA router

Roon Core Machine
Roon is working perfectly on a Roon Optimized Core Kit (ROCK) server (Version 1.0 - build 259 with Roon Server version 2.0 (build 1359)). Still in 90-day trial period.

Networking Gear & Setup Details
My router is a Sonicwall NSA 2600 and it does not offer UPnP plug-and-play connection, so it requires manual setup. I have setup up other servers manually with NAT policies such as security camera infrastructure with public access from outside the local network successfully, but for some reason I am unable to get the Roon ARC app to connect to the Rock server. I have been through the Roon manual port forwarding documents. There is an unmanaged switch between the Sonicwall router and the ROCK server connected via ethernet. EDIT: NSP is Tachus with 1 Gb fiber connection and modem is a Tachus rebranded modem that cannot be identified. Only one router. Located in the U.S.

Connected Audio Devices
No audio devices are connected directly to the Rock server. Approximately 6 Roon-ready end points via the local network.

Number of Tracks in Library
3,781 plus Qobuz streaming

Description of Issue
Trying to setup Roon ARC so that my wife and I can play our Roon music in our cars, but have been unable to get it to work. I have installed the latest version of Roon. I have been working on this for about 8 hours today, and am out of ideas, so I would appreciate any suggestions.

Error Message
“ipv4_connectivity”: {“status”:“NetworkError”,“status_code”:502,“error”:“error: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED, response code: undefined, body: undefined”},
“external_ip”: {“actual_external_ip”:“”,“actual_external_ipv6”:“null”,“router_external_ip”:“null”},
“natpmp_autoconfig”: {“status”:“NotFound”},
“upnp_autoconfig”: {“status”:“NotFound”}

@Darin_Lasater, the error message provided typically is the result of a UPnP configuration issue, but that may not be the case here. Did Tachus provide you device that is just an optical interface that is converted to Ethernet to connect to your SonicWall, or do you have another Tachus router in front of the 2600?

Can you easily create a port forwarding rule on the 2600 that points to your ROCK?

Thanks. As stated in my original post, my router/firewall appliance does not have UPnP and I have manually created port forwarding rules on the SonicWall that point to the ROCK. Tachus provided a modem (fiber optical to ethernet transition). There is not a Tachus router. Still no luck with Roon ARC.

Hi @Darin_Lasater,

Thank you for your post.

The diagnostic message points to a connection refusal on that specific port (55002). In most cases, this indicates competition or restriction on the configured port number from third-party software on your same RoonServer machine or your router management software. An additional redundant layer of network address translation (NAT) might exist upstream of the Sonicwall router.

Tachus’ ONT unit appears to be a DZS modem of some sort; I’d verify that there’s not router capability, as Tachus’ FAQs seem to indicate that they offer Gateways (router/modem combos).

We’ve activated diagnostic mode for your account - in doing so, we’ve noticed that the unobscured portion of the WAN IP address in the diagnostic snippet above doesn’t match the IP address registered to your Roon account. Are you using any VPNs, or is this a business-grade fiber account?

It’s worth inquiring directly from Tachus whether they’ve implemented CG-NAT or have any restrictions on port forwarding. They might offer a dedicated WAN IP address or clarify their implementation.

In the meantime, try changing the port assignment from 55002 to another number (like 56000 or 60000) in Roon → Settings and any manual port forwarding rules.



@connor - thanks for the tremendous effort and the suggestions to remedy my situation. While trying your suggestions, I discovered that I had omitted one of the necessary access rules on the firewall appliance, so it was user error all along. However, although Roon settings then showed “Roon ARC can securely access your Roon Server,” the Roon ARC app continued to report “Searching for Roon Server…” indefinitely. This condition was remedied by deleting and reinstalling the Roon ARC app on my iPhone. Therefore, all is well!

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