Roon ARC won't connect after the last NAS update

Since the last update (QTS of my NAS QNAP TS1655, I can’t connect to Roon ARC.
Until then I was able to connect.
I know that you can create rules on the NAS so that applications have access, but I don’t know if that’s the problem.

If it is, I don’t know what data to put, since there is no option to set port 5002.

Can anyone help me?


As a troubleshooting step: Turn off the QuFirewall on your NAS and try again to connect to Roon ARC. If it still does not work, then changing/adding rules to that firewall will not resolve your issue.

PS: If your NAS is inside your network it should be protected by your border router/firewall that connects your internal network to the outside internet. The reason of running an additional firewall on the NAS then seems questionable as it would be geared mostly against internal threats and if you have only one internal network, there is not much you can do with it anyway.

By turning off QuFirewall on the NAS I can connect.

I assume QuFirewall protects against external threats.
I can’t risk disabling it.

What I don’t understand is why it was working fine before the update.

Assumptions don’t do anything good for you. Try to replace them with knowledge.

Unintentional access to your network should be denied by your router. So what external threats should the firewall on the NAS protect you for? Do you provide services running on the NAS to the internet directly (other than Roon ARC) that need to be protected? Maybe find another/better solution for those? Meanwhile, here is a link to QNAP’s documentation for their firewall software:

Your comment does not solve my problem.
I had already read the information you provide.