You need an operating system. You can check and see if the DietPi software works with the HifiBerry HAT. If it does it is menu driven so it makes life simpler, no messing with command line.
Ropieee works too with that a hat I think.
Both DietPi and Ropieee support the HiFiBerry HAT products with Roon Bridge (bundled with both DietPi and Ropieee). You could also download a Roon Ready (Roon Bridge) image from HiFiBerry to install on your RPi3, but frankly, I think either DietPi or Ropieee are preferable.
OK thanks all.
My plan is to give ropieee a shot. I’ve already downloaded the Etcher application so once my stuff arrives I’ll download the image and copy to the micro SD card.
If there’s a way to mess it up I’ll find it
Hi, I have a pi 2 model B V.1. I have used pi baker to put the jesse lite file onto my sd card, however when I try to connect to the pi using the ssh -1 pi@ command I get a “connection refused” message. Any ideas appreciated.
Recent(wish) Raspbian versions have SSH acces disabled by default. You probably missed this little tidbit in the instructions:
On recent Raspbian distributions, you will have to enable SSH access. You can do so by placing a file called ‘ssh’ (without any extension) on the boot partition of the SD-card. The file itself can be empty. At first boot, your Pi will detect the file and enable the SSH-server.
Any special reason for running Raspbian? You may be happier running DietPi – it’s a lot leaner and allows for easy software install (including Roon Bridge) via a menu system. It also has SSH enabled from the get-go.
Sorry, got that wrong, I am running Diet pi.
What is the trick to get the SSH file onto the boot partition?
With DietPi, you’ll need to log in as root (with password dietpi):
ssh root@dietpi (or root@ip.address)
Thanks Rene!
Thanks for your patience. I thought I had diet pi, but it was raspien lite. I have downloaded the diet pi file but am having fun extracting it to my mac desk top. Please can you advise. Once extracted, can I use Pi baker to put the image onto my sd card?
Thanks again,
The Unarchiver is pretty good for unpacking more exotic compression formats on Mac.
The resulting .img file can be flashed to the card. Apple Pi Baker is fine – these days I use Etcher, as it’s a bit more up-to-date.
Hi Rene,
I have formatted my sd drive, and used pi baker to put the diet pi image on it.
When trying to access the raspberry pi using ssh root@diet pi and ssh root@my ip address.
Both instances reply with connection refused. Is this because I haven’t installed the ssh file into the boot partition?
Please can you advise how to do this.
Thanks and regards,
no space in dietpi ie ssh root@dietpi not ss root@diet pi
Thanks Tony, tried that too, no joy.
I think its an apple thing. I have no issues at all using putty on windows. have you tried ssh root@ (or whatever your dietpi ip address is)?
Yeah, ok. No putty equivalent for apple, just the terminal?
Yep, tried that too. My address is
is that normal?
Sorry, i meant
Hi Tony,
I’m in! i think there was a security setting on my mac that was preventing me from making contact. Back in the ball game now. Thanks for your help.
Hi Rene,
Almost there…Ended up giving up on Apple and using windows to go through the install process. A LOT smoother than the Mac which kept coming up with security issues. I gained access to my Raspberry pi2, got everything installed and had it running wireless through a cheap Sony system via an explorer 2. Sony sounded better than is ever has! My Squeeze box touch is recognised and can play as a separate zone. Can’t link it to the same zone as the pi but no worries, cross that bridge later.
Problem came when I tried to get my second Raspberry pi into the system. Everything locked up and no zones were available. Is there an obvious fix for this?
Thanks again,