Roon bridge/server on raspberry pi 5 8GB

Hi, just got my pi5 with 8GB of ram.
I tried to install roon-bridge, but with no success. Power of pi5 should be sufficient. How to install the bridge component?

I did the following:
tar -xvf RoonBridge_linuxarmv8.tar.bz2
apt-get install ffmpeg
cd RoonBridge
Checking for Binary Compatibility [ FAILED ]

also tried it with package RoonBridge_linuxarmv7hf.tar.bz2
Bin compatibility also failed

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Maybe the new one needs a new one compiling all new models seem go up an arm version. Likely not been done yet as they are thin on the ground.

Can you share the output from uname -m? AFAIK, the RPiv5 is ARM8, so it may simply be the check in the script that doesn’t cater for the newer variant.

I can install roonbridge. But I want server component. There is no installer script for roon server on arm8.

uname -m output:

To be clear, Roon Bridge (ARM8) installs without error, including Please report this accurately as it may help others.

Roon Server is only available for x86_64, so you can’t install it on a Raspberry Pi. Indeed, this is not a supported platform, since it doesn’t come close to the performance of the i3 processor, e.g. an i3-8109U used in a NUC8i3, which is the minimum specification for running Roon server.

That can’t be correct, as Roon still supports the NUC5i3 as a host for Roon Server:

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I said, “for example”, “e.g.” The i3 is the minimum specification (processor) for running Roon Server.

The Raspberry Pi’s architecture is different, but it’s still not able to match the performance of a system powered by an i3 processor. Nonetheless, Roon Server on Linux/ARM may happen, but
this is unlikely for RPi-based devices.

Hi Guys, if you are like me and would love to see Roon Server running on an appropriately kitted-out Raspberry Pi 5 (e.g. sufficient RAM and a fast NVMe drive), then please add your vote to this Feature Suggestion:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Roon Server on Raspberry Pi 5, please