Roon clients take ages to show Audio zones

Roon Server Machine

Synology 918+ NAS with Roon server running in Docker

Networking Gear & Setup Details

All devices connected with ethernet to Fritzbox router

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

In the past, when I opened Roon app on my devices (iMac, Mac mini, iPhone, iPad), the connected audio zones would display correctly and I could play music almost immediately. Especially when dad connected through USB. But now, It takes ages too all Roon clients to show external DAC. I didn’t do any changes to my setup. This just started recently. For example I launch Roon app in iMac, which has ifi Zen DAC connected to it with USB and it takes minutes before the DAC shows up, same on my other computers including iOS devices. I tried restarting Roon server but it didn’t help. Thanks for any advice.

Hello @Martin_Busek

Running Roon in a VM or Docker is not an officially supported environment. It is considered Tinkering. Roon doesn’t prevent customers from experimenting with their software in unsupported environments; however, when you do so, you also take on the ongoing support and troubleshooting for that environment.

We wanted to provide a brief explanation before moving this [thread/post] to the Tinkering section. Hopefully, other customers who may also be using your environment can help you with diagnosing and resolving your issue.

If this does not work for you, then I would recommend running Roon in an officially supported environment for the stability and support you are looking for.


Hi Geoff,

OK, I’m trying to setup Roon server on my Mac mini, instead of Docker / Synology, but when I want to add folder with music, it gives me error. But what is strange, is that it works with different folders on the same server. How is that possible? See attached screenshots… when I open “Dropbox” folder - error, when I open “OneDrive” folder, it works… Both folders Dropbox and Onedrive are in same parent folder so there is absolutely no logical reason why it shouldn’t work… This is Roon officially supported enviroment…

Has the Dropbox folder been given network sharing rights before you tried to add it as a network share?

Yes, of course. I normally access these folders from all my devices…

Delete it from Roon and try adding it again?

I did, and I tried it on different Macs too… Exactly same thing is happening.
Will try it in Windows too now…on the iMac

Dropbox and other folders are just subfolders in main folder called Clouds. That’s shared and setup properly. There’s no specific settings for subfolders below. I can access those from all the other computers and devices for years… Never had an issue.

Well, then try setting up the initial access to the Clouds folder as the network access share in Roon. Once set up, you can navigate to the subfolders and use them as backup folders.

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