Roon Confusion with Mac and NAS

Hello Everyone,

I have all my music files stored on a NAS. I’m confused about where I should install the Roon Core - NAS or in my case, Mac Mini? Is there an advantage installing on one or the other? I still use my Mac daily so is there anything else I should be doing?

Also, would it be possible to have Roon ARC on the Mac, which then accesses the music files on my NAS and then has my Network Player read them. In honesty, I’m a bit confused about the whole process.

Kind regards

Depends. Either can work. Is your NAS’s CPU fast enough for Roon? What’s the NAS model?


The NAS is a Synology DS1520+.

Which NAS devices are supported?

Most QNAP, Synology, and ASUSTOR devices with a 64-bit x86 CPU, like Intel or AMD, and at least 2GB RAM are supported. We strongly recommend 4GB of RAM and an SSD for the Roon databases. Your music files can be on spinning disks, but ideally the Roon database should be on an SSD. This one optimization can provide the single biggest improvement to Roon’s performance and user experience.

I would do both. Why not?

Edit: you can have multiple Roon servers but only authorize one at a time with one license. Nothing wrong with having a backup plus you can determine which one works best for you.

Both? How would that work? Would there be any advantage to that?

It should be fine. See A Roon on (Synology) NAS Primer

Very early on I used my Mac mini that I upgraded with a faster ssd. I retried it years ago and bought a 2 bay NAS with 2 ssd’s mirrored. It’s been flawless. I keep my full flag library and a very old library that was used with sono’s prior to Roon.

Like others have said it’s about choice. But getting rid of the Mac mini eliminated a device out of the chain. Enjoy whatever you decide.

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