Roon Control Setup

How do I set up iPhones and iPads to control playback? I have Roon Core installed on an M1 MacBook Pro for the trial period but I want to play music on my Naim Muso from my iPhone in a bedroom.


You need to install Roon Remote on your iOS devices from the App Store first.

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Already had it installed but can’t find a setting to allow the iOS devices to control playback.


when you open the app, if you’re on the same wifi network as your core, it should look for your core and connect automatically.

You should see your library (local or streaming) and should be able to click on an album and play it.

Are you able to control roon from the MBP?

what are you seeing when you open the app? Do you see the core when you go to Roon settings on your iOS device?

Screenshots might help

You sure you have Roon Remote installed and not Roon ARC. Two different apps two different uses.

When you run the remote app for first time it will search for a Roon core to connect to. After that it works like Roon on your M1 select zone to play to then select music.

Any chance your iOS devices are on a different subnet from your core and/or endpoints? They all need to be on the same subnet (or you need to do some convoluted stuff to get certain UDP broadcast packets across).

This is the reason, they need to be one app!

Nope you don’t need to forward UDP at all which is a pain and not easy to do between subnets. My Unifi network has multiple vlans the remote app works on all of them I believe it uses multicast broadcasts for discovery such as mdns which is the only thing it forwards across subnets. UDP is used for endpoints.

I’m on the same network. Router IP, SUBNET all match. Seems like everything is like it should be but the iPhone when I select music from TIDAL, my library or radio will only play through the iPhone.

On iPhone 13 I can see everything but when I select play it plays on the iPhone not my AirPlay enabled MUSO.

Yes, only the MBP will control the MUSO.

On the app in Settings/General Settings Roon Core is listed and signed in as my user name. Settings/Audio it indicates a default device. How and where is this set?

I installed the remote app at the beginning of the trial. ARC not until today (1-7-23) but understand the are for different purposes.

All are the same.

Post your settings, audio page.
May be more than one page