Roon Core on iPad

Can Roon core be added to latest iPad? Want to move Roon core from laptop iPad to minimize space. Thanks in advance,

Roon Core has to be hosted on some type of PC.
Windows, Mac etc.

Windows, macOS or Linux are required to host a Roon Core. So an iPad is not an option. And an iPad is not a PC/Mac.

I’ve placed my Roon Core on a 2014 MacMini running on Linux. It sits snugly between my hifi equipment in the living room,

@Michael_Allen You can find some threads on this forum for help running your Roon core on a PC. Unless you’ve got a very large library, almost any PC will do no matter how small. Roon supports running the core on a type of mini-PC called an Intel NUC; they have directions on their web site. If you’re a little more adventurous or tech-comfortable, you can run the core on just about any PC, including tiny micro-PCs you can find online that are like a NUC but less expensive. This option isn’t supported by Roon, but lots of people here (including me) go this way with no trouble at all. It seems a lot of people have the same impulse, to move the core off their laptop. Good luck!