Roon couldn’t connect to HQPlayer

I am very new to HQPlayer and has been trying to try it to find out what kind of positive impact it brings to my existing system. However trying several times, I cannot get it link up with Roon play through my home system.

Both Roon & HQPlayer are installed on a late 2012 Mac mini (Catalina). The HQPlayer is on version 481 2 as the newer ones cannot work on this old Mac mini.

The following are the components used and the settings:

  1. Apple Mac mini (late 2012) on Catalina 10.15.7
    Both Roon & HQPlayer are installed in this Mac mini

  2. Sonore Optical Rendu
    Sonicorbiter Settings (if you use Sonore products) via

  • Network Player - Manage
  • click on Apps - HQPlayer NAA
  • the next page will show HQPlayer’s Network Audio Daemon (NAA). Click on Restart NAA HQPlayer
  1. Holo Audio May KTE

  2. HQPlayer (HQPlayer4Desktop-x64-481 2.dmg)
    HQP 4 Desktop Settings:

  • File-Settings - Output Device Setting - Backend - NetworkAudioAdapter
  • File-Settings - Output Device Setting - Device - (Select your device from the drop down menu)
  1. Roon
    Roon Settings:
  • Setup - HQPlayer - Add HQPlayer “localhost”
  • Audio Settings - select HQPlayer (or whatever you’ve named it)

With these settings, it does not work. Is there anything I have done incorrectly? Kindly advise.

Thank you.


Try IP address of your Mac ?

See this post just today

Thank you for the suggestion.
Have replaced localhost to both lan connection IP address and wireless connection IP address, both do not work. “Roon couldn’t connect to HQPlayer”

It states that “requirks HQPlayer Desktop 4.16.2+ or HQPlayer Embedded 4.29.3+”. Am on 481 2(probably 4.8.1?). Just downloaded the latest 4.19.0, same outcome.

After fiddling around with the HQPlayer settings, found that by using “NetworkAudioAdapter IPv6” under Backend, it works now.

Thanks everyone. :slight_smile:


Dear Symon-san
I also same problem that no connection between ROON & HQplayer.
Please advise me what you made in detail.
I have used ROON ROCK and have a stand alone PC for HQplayer5.
However, ROON does not recognize HQplayer even specified the IP address.
You said you used IPver6, do you make setting both Input and Output set to IPver6?
or either one?
How did you know the IP address for IPver6?
Please advise.

IPv6 is only needed to HQPlayer to discover HQPlayer NAA, if you have it running, but it is an option, no need to type IPv6 address anywhere.

Are you sure about the HQPlayer IP address you type in Roon?
Do you have a paid license for HQPlayer? Is it Desktop or Embedded version?
Be aware that Embedded trial version works for just 30’ then you need to restart it

Thank you for rapid reply.
I already put IP address in ROON, but It doesn’t work.
I have not paid license yet, evaluation mode I have used. (30min is only available)
do you make setting both Input and Output set to IPver6?
or either one?

I’m using HQP embedded and desktop version could different but ipv6 can be checked only for Network Audio backend

Input support is not related to Roon, it is only related to hardware inputs, such as S/PDIF, AES or analog.

Roon doesn’t (unfortunately) support IPv6, so you need to use IPv4 address or hostname that resolves to IPv4. Also unfortunately Roon still doesn’t support auto-discovery of HQPlayer, hence you need to manually configure such things…

  1. Check that the IP in Roon is correct
  2. Check that HQPlayer zone is selected as output in Roon
  3. Check that “Allow network control” button is pressed if you use HQPlayer Desktop
  4. Check that firewall is not blocking Roon ↔ HQPlayer connections (if you use Windows, check that the network type for your local network is set to Private - Windows tends to every now and then change this behind your back)

Hi, jumping in… I use HQP+Roon for over a year, I know every now and then I can loose connection because of one of 4 points above among others.
Yesterday something different happened. I lost connection due to a short power shortage. When I reconnected everything, Roon keeps saying it lost connection with HQP. I have already spend 2h yesterday plus 4hrs today trying to reconnect.
I have: hard reseted everything from modem, router, switch, streamer (Im using SotM 200 ultra neo but I have already also tried yesterday and today with my ultrarendu and my second 200 ultra neo as I have two), DAC, etc, then unstalled and reinstalled both HQP and Roon (I may have reinstalled roon at least 6 times already to try playback before and after importing backup files, before and after updates), deleted and re-added HQplayer zone with the correct, reserved IP some 10 times, made all updates on all 3 streamers, reseted my routher to factory settings, took HQP and roon from the startup program list, etc etc. Im running out of ideas, but I havent played with windows or my network settings other than resetting the router. BTW all the streamers are working 100% fine in roon ready mode if I choose them as zones, and also HQP is working 100% fine if I use the Client for playback

Numbers 1 and 3 above were the first things I checked, also if I had somehow lost connection of the dac, even if phisically, but all was alright as you know by the rest of my response

I now tried wireless on the PC with Roon/hqp (didnt solve the issue) and taking the innuos switch off the system (didnt solve as well)…
I do have a second system with both roon/hqp (I only use one at a time of course, so both softwares use the same license), but in another city I wont be for a couple weeks now.
I also have a 11th i5 PC laptop that in theory should be fine for trying here in the home Im having trouble… but Im a bit a hesitant to perform this particular test, specially since once a year ago I tried to play with HQP on this same laptop in the city with the second system to test sound quality, and it didnt really work, so I guess this test might not say anything in the end. Im still hoping I get a response at the roon community thread I posted the doubt, otherqwise I will cancel my subscription and try to use another app.
I just checked that Roon , raatserver and HQP are checked in the allowed apps and resources list for the public and private net firewalls. On top of that, I just briefly tested deactiviting all my firewalls (domain, private, public) and restarted roon and it still could not connect to HQP

Does anything appear in HQPlayer log file about Roon connection / playback attempts?

If you are using HQPlayer Desktop, keep eye on the HQPlayer server status bar for messages when you attempt playback from Roon side.

Tks Jussi, I will try (much) later at home tonight, no I havent pay attention to this as Im always pressing play on roon and hoping it wont show the infamous message, but I will try pressing play and checking at HQPlayer Desktop page to see if there is any log message appearing.
BTW I tried the HQP5 and liked the first impression on new filters/shapers. just didnt upgrade to it since Im also considering buying a server that comes with HQP embedded already.

Hi, I see nothing, but Im not sure I know where to look for, where is the server status bar on the HQPlayer 4 Desktop screen?

BTW since I was fidling with firewalls yesterday, today when I opened HQP Desktop , Windows asked firewall allowing only public networks acces, but I checked also the Private box (which was checked anyway under permissions before)

Status bar is always lowest portion of the main window. It is the banner that is usually empty, but for example after stopping playback will show the amount of CPU time used for processing.

If you are on Windows, please make sure your network type is set to Private Network. Windows has bad habit of every now and then quietly changing it to Public Network behind your back. Sounds like you have it set to Public Network at the moment.

Tks again. You are right I was still in Public mode, although I remembered I had checked that Roon, HQP and Raatserver were firewall unblocked in public as well. Changed to Private connection (still cabled) and tried, nothing changed. Rechecked that all 3 apps above were checked in both private and public (indeed, I dont remember/know why, it shows 2 instances of those apps and there was one that was unchecked in private mode. So made sure all are allowed now. Nothing played. Closed apps and tried again, There was a Windows message asking if Roon and Raat should be abled etc, yes… and nothing played again; reinitiated the PC and tried again , nothing!
And now I got what you mean with the server status bar ut at all times trying to play with Roon, nothing showed there. Roon subscription auto renewal is canceled anyway and I will be travelling from tomorrow for a few days. Im keeping with HQP Client until I figure out what’s going on or can find a server with HQP enbedded within my budget anyway!

Same with the firewall turned off?

If HQPlayer Client can connect, then Roon should be able to connect too as long as the IP address configured at Roon side is correct.