Roon database backup on ROCK

Hello fellow Rooners,

I’ve just setup a ROCK, and everything seems to work as expected. I tried to make a database backup, but I apparently have no disk space left on the 240GB SSD that the ROCK software is installed on :grin: Do I have to get an USB pen drive or similar for backup? Where do you keep your ROCK database backups?

Thanks :pray:

Never store backups on the ROCK itself. Use an external disk or a network drive.

It seems it’s not possible to use the internal disk for anything else but the ROCK OS?

It is certainly not advisable. I use a thumb drive as my regular repository for backups, with a second thumb drive for a secondary backup every fortnight.

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Nobody’s gonna prevent you from storing something on the disk, but it was never meant for anything but ROCK OS. Food for thought:

  • What if you were to re-install / upgrade the OS? Likely those backups are erased in the process.
  • How are you going to restore your backups, when the the ssd crashed?
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I’m going that route for sure! I’m only using streaming, so how large should I expect the files to be?

Excellent points :+1:t2:

The M.2 drive is used solely for Roon OS.

Backup to a network drive or external USB drive.

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You can set the number of backups and the number to keep.

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