Roon Extension: Deep Harmony - rich feature set for Logitech Harmony

Thanks for all your hard work Adam.

I’ve now successfully updated to the latest version 2.1.3+251 and can confirm within without issue on Synology NAS (no docker crashes since v1.).

I have now also tried out the ‘dual buttons’ feature, which is also working correctly for me now on Harmony Ultimate

I have one minor requirement left to get sorted. As part of the ‘activity shutdown commands’, I want to add a ‘Stop’ command; however, as the Roku mapping for stop is the ‘Power Off’ command, Harmony doesn’t make this available when I try to add a step. (NB: I could get this to work under v1 as the mapping was different).

The Roku power settings have been correctly set as ‘no power buttons’, but Harmony settings still have this command and it does not stop playback.

The reason I want this command is because I sometimes switch off my amp but forget to stop playback as well (my roon core and endpoint are always on)

Is there another Roku command that could be mapped to ‘stop’ instead of poweroff?