Roon Extension: Deep Harmony - rich feature set for Logitech Harmony

First off, Deep Harmony has been a great addition to my setup. Recently, perhaps with the release of Roon 1.7 (571), the extension frequently loses connect to the hub. My Harmony remote works without issue, so I do not believe it is Wifi connection issue. I get this socket error when the extension is reestablishing the connection:
call roon-extension-deep-harmony.exe
roon-extension-deep-harmony:app *** Starting roon-extension-deep-harmony v2.6.4+367 (14-Apr-2020,15:16:10+0000) on windows-x64 +0ms
roon-extension-deep-harmony:memory Memory usage - resident set size: 40MB, heap used: 17MB, heap total: 33MB, external: 1MB +0ms
roon-extension-deep-harmony:app RoonIpCheck - IP address is +46ms
roon-extension-deep-harmony:harmony-network send broadcast _logitech-reverse-bonjour._tcp.local. 50001 +0ms
roon-extension-deep-harmony:settings RoonSettings - Shared settings initialized +0ms
roon-extension-deep-harmony:settings RoonSettings - remove invalid keys +1ms
roon-extension-deep-harmony:settings RoonSettings - load {“seekAmount”:30,“remoteRepeatTime”:600,“remoteLongPress”:4,“latestCheckInterval”:3600,“logLevel”:“extension-essential”,“allowPrerelease”:false,“restartMemoryMB”:100,“restartTime”:“04:00”,“harmonyCommandBlockTime”:250,“harmonyCommandTime”:250} +0ms
roon-extension-deep-harmony:status RoonStatus - update status: Initializing +0ms
roon-extension-deep-harmony:http-server HttpServer [9080] - Started +0ms

*** Uncaught Exception:
*** Message: Unable to send data
*** Stack: Error [ERR_SOCKET_CANNOT_SEND]: Unable to send data
at Socket.onListenError (dgram.js:377:22)
at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:273:13)
at Socket.emit (events.js:182:13)
at _handle.lookup (dgram.js:283:14)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)
“roon-extension-deep-harmony terminated with exit code 2 Restarting…”

Not sure how to troubleshoot. ??