Roon in your Car sound systems

Dear rooners :rofl:

Have you all ever try put roon Core on your car? Cause, im working about it right know.

Im using intel NUC10i7FNH 16GB of RAM and ssd 250GB, I already built it as my roon ROCK

Using routers+modem to CHORD 2go2yu and then to my car audio systems

And BeelinkGTkingPro as my roon remote with alpine hallo11 for the display. I already using TIDAL in my systems right now

Hopefully next week i can run the entire systems for the first time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

What do you think about my idea?


A car crash waiting to happen.

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Wouldn’t even be tempted to do it. My car has over 1 tb of music I can play by voice activation. If I wanted to stream then Tidal on Google car play.

I have no want or desire for Roons UI while I’m driving.

I use Roon in my car sometimes on trips. I’m sitting in the back seat with my Dell laptop and headphones using Verizon hotspot data on iPhone. Wife is driving. Works well streaming from Tidal, AudioQuest Dragonfly Cobalt and Sony WH-1000XM3 noise cancelling headphones.

Safety first absolutely :smile::ok_hand:

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First of all, I should have said welcome to the community, @hanatahage.

I am reassured that you won’t be editing metadata at 70mph! Vroooon…

Today, for the first time i’m running the ROCK on my car
It works properly

Check this out


That’s pretty awesome!

Yes, but that’s an accident in the making.

Beautiful peace of technology !
But indeed safety first.

There are other places where I would like to install such a system.
Do You need a second Roon License for this ?


This is my first roon setup, never use it in my home.

I have no home audio systems (dear god, please dont make me become home audio addict :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

I’m a car audio enthusiast

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It would be better to input via touch screen to make things less dangerous…

Hope you have adequate ventilation in that glove box or it will cook.

As u wish sir :face_with_hand_over_mouth:, yeah its more safe and ergonomics i think, now i’m using ipad mini to select the track, and other display to view album art and/or lyrics

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The car air conditioner helps in cooling the glove box, so far the temperarure never reach the limit

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The review of my audio system from media audio indonesia

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That’s some amazing work you did there. Great job. I watched the entire review although I didn’t understand a word. Congratulations.