Roon is acting very funny and it's becoming frustrating

I’m sorry to say, but that’s a Linux (ROCK) error indicating filesystem corruption, possibly from a hardware fault, such as a failing SSD. To translate: EXT4 is the name of the default Linux filesystem format; “nume0n1p4” is the Linux device name for an internal disk (I assume SSD) partition; “extent” is EXT4 lingo for a chunk of a file; “Unwritten extents” as updated file chunks buffered in main memory before being written to disk; “inode” is Linux lingo for the on-disk data structure that specifies the extents used by the file (simplifying a bit). TL; DR something is impeding correct file system operations, leading to corruption of some files, which of course will cause all sorts of problems. Your internal SSD may well be on its way out :grimacing:

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