Roon is simply unusable for classical collectors

I too use iTunes for this purpose. I organize albums in folder hierarchies (one root folder, e.g. is “Classical”). I try to avoid deep hierarchies but I find the hierarchies help me focus down on what I am looking for: Clapton … Corea … or Chopin? Overall this works well for me when I want to pick some music, almost always an album or work or piece, depending on the type of music, from my library but want to browse as I pick the album. Once chosen, I then can quickly (most of the time) find it in Roon to listen to. Clunky but it works. Is that roughly how you use iTunes?

My approach avoids rigorous tagging which seems like lots of work. But I don’t have experience browsing a collection that is properly tagged, either, so can’t comment on the relative merits.