Roon loses audio endpoint (Meridian 218) in shuffle mode while checking queue (ref#RYML7S)

Ok, here we go.
Fiber Zyxel modem in bridge mode connected to Linksys Mesh WiFi router via Ethernet cable. From Linksys there is a Ethernet cable connecting to tp-link TL-SG1008P. This is the hub where the 218 and Roon ROCK NUC is connected via Ethernet cables . Out from 218 is digital connection to Meridian DSP 6000.2. That’s about it.
Thx for helping out. Much appreciated

Hey @BergeP,

Thanks so much for sharing that info! My apologies if we’ve glazed over this, but are you able to temporarily bypass the unmanaged switch for testing purposes?

If you only have the port space for one of the devices, would you be able to test out each device at a time? So, first plug your server machine directly and test. Then swap connections with the 218, and see if the same issue occurs.

Thanks again! :+1:

Hi @benjamin
I don’t see how that would be possible since both the NUC with ROCK and the 218 needs to be on the network together to make any sound

Apologies for any confusion @BergeP!

Are you able to directly connect a single device, while the other devices remain on the switch? This was my intention with the reply above.

If everything is supposed to be hardwired then no. I have one more Linksys that I can use, but that would be connected with WiFi to the first Linksys. From the second one I can connect the switch and flip between Roon NUC and 218 on the first Linksys that is hardwired. This is the only way for me to go.

@benjamin now I tried what you asked for but sorry to say, both times checking queue, audio endpoint was lost.

Hey @BergeP,

Thanks for giving that a try! Do you experience the same issue on the latest Roon release, build 1470?

Yes, local time 0739 and was playing Joe Pass with NDR big band. This happened using SPL.
And five minutes later it happened again. This time by not trying to check the queue but all by itself. Now I have to reboot or restart. Pretty annoying.

Hey @BergeP,

Thanks for the timestamp! Unfortunately, it didn’t hint at any additional information that may help in our investigation, so we’ll need our QA team to attempt to reproduce it in-house as a next step.

This may take some time, so I appreciate your patience and cooperation in the meantime. :+1:

@benjamin, thx for the follow up. Keep on digging and maybe you find a solution in the future. In the meantime, I will enjoy my music when Roon is playing on my side.

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Hi @BergeP ,

Your report is with the QA hardware team, but they have indicated that it may take some time before this reaches the top of their testing queue. Thanks in advance for your patience.

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