Roon lost connectivity to all audio output devices (ref#DXPA4S)

Hi @Wade_Carroll,

Thank you for your post. The situation you’ve described isn’t uncommon since the update to MacOS Sequoia. MacOS 15.x introduced more draconian stateful local network security than previous OS versions, and you’ll need to navigate to Privacy & Security → Local Network in your system settings and toggle on access for Roon.

Even after performing that step to grant Roon local network access, you might find that Roon occasionally loses sight of all audio endpoints or fails to sync clock with Zones until you either a) retoggle local network access on/off or b) restart Roon.

The team is actively investigating a fix. You can find updates here: Roon on MacOS 15.0+ Sequoia: Audio Zones Disappear, Requiring Local Network Access Reset/Restart [Roon Investigating]

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