Roon new update for IP6

Has anyone that wasn’t able to connect before able to connect? Just curious.

If anyone was unable to connect how would they have updated? (rhetorical)

IPv6 is just laying the ground work to enable increased ARC connectivity.

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For Arc specifically. Not necessarily everything on Roon.

Thanks for clarifying that. Yeah I’m a unique case for me with T-Mobile home internet. It’s great service besides this part.

After the updates, I have a checkmark (positive result) under the ARC settings in the remote app.

However, ARC still cannot connect to the Core. I have opened a support request for that.
So there seems to be progress, but it is not yet working…

A bit weird that the remote app shows success while the ARC app cannot connect…

nothing changed here (Salt Switzerland) … I might need to additionally reconfigure port forwarding this far or maybe reset everything I set up with Tailscale on my NAS (but I don’t think it’s connected).

Does Roon ROCK needs upgrade too ? The “Networking” section in ROCK still only display IPV4 informations, no IPV6. Or some configuration trigger to enable ?

The networking section for Rock only refers to the local LAN addresses. LAN addressing remains IPv4 and this will generally stay that way for the foreseeable future. The IPv6 stuff only concerns public addressing from/on the internet.

IPV6 are as well local and global addresses… (this is the advantage of IPV6)

Yes for addressing from the internet. The local LAN router could use IPv6 addressing on the LAN, but no home routers (that I know of) do by default. The info on the ROCK page only shows the local LAN addresses assigned by the router

It’s still non-functional for me too. No changes.

Auch hier keine Änderung. (Deutsche Glasfaser) Keine Verbindung.

Google Translation
No change here either. (German fiber optic) No connection.

My provider is “Deutsche Glasfaser” (german fiber) and my router is an AVM Fritz! box.
ROON-remote claims that everything is set correctly, but after a short connection attempt, ARC gets the message that the connection is too bad. A connection is therefore not possible.

Attached some screenshots.

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I had also the problem with ARC, FritzBox (7590) in combination with my new provider (Deutsche Glasfaser).
I solved this problem today with an implementation of a WireGuard VPN on my FritzBox. On this way I got a VPN-tunnel between my FritzBox and my Handy. With this it’s works the same way, like I am local in my house network.
Here the link on the FritzBox description, how to implement.

This solution has the advantage, it cost nothing.

Hi Ralf, I have installed WireGuard on the iPhone and added a connection in the Fritzbox under VPN WireGuard. ARC still does not get a connection. Are there any other settings that need to be considered?