Roon no longer can find my K40

I posted this on Support, but didn’t get any response. Roon no longer recognizes my K40. I can’t play any music at this point, using Roon as the player. I don’t have squeezebox or anything. I downloaded the new update for the K40 and then it disappeared from Roon. Does anyone have any suggestions? I’ve tried unplugging and restarting the K40, trying different connections for the ethernet, reinstalling the software, etc, with no success. I’m at a total loss. Any help would be appreciated.

Some more information… It is clear that Roon can find all of my albums. I shut off Qobuz and Tidal as a test, and Roon has my albums showing up. But it doesn’t show the K40. I’ve tried having it search for the K40 without success.

I tried turning on Squeeze Player but I can’t play any albums through Squeeze as it says “No Player”. The albums are located, but again, I can’t play anything.

Any ideas?


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