Roon not displaying all available Qobuz albums

Hello @Alistair_Compton

Thank you for your question and for giving us the opportunity to explain what’s going on here. As @Rugby indicated, there are quite a few “grey market” releases that show up on streaming sites.

These releases are generally lower quality recordings that are not authorized by the performer or their parent recording label. Many, such as the release you cited, are off radio performances that were never intended or licensed for release.

While Roon is passionate about facilitating exploration and discovery of an artist’s catalog, we also respect an artist’s, or label’s, right to definite the work that meets their benchmark for quality.

We want to elevate your listening and discovery experience in Roon in every way we can. One of the ways we do that is by filtering out releases that didn’t meet the artist’s release standards.

I hope this helps explains why some titles that are available on our streaming partners’ services may not appear in Roon. We appreciate your understanding.