So Roon is taking away the ability to play to devices that aren’t certified? Sounds like another Roon policy that puts the company first and the end user last. As users we can’t control the issues between audio manufactures and Roon trying to get audio devices certified. Roon has their story and the audio manufactures have theirs. Even the dealers and many of us users are tired of the lockups, restarts, drop outs, and other Roon problems. So Roon want to now throw their weight around and take away something that they have supported for years.
Roon has alienated many audio manufactures and dealers because of their lack of support. The relationship is broken in cases with Roon working with NAD and many other audio companies (Bricasti). Finger pointing is Roon’s go to policy when working with vendors and their relationship with dealers is not much better.
If a device I play to today is disabled for some reason in the future I will seek a refund from Roon or will be forced to seek legal remedies as I believe this new policy is misguided possibly in violation of my states laws and regulations.
So, to reiterate Roon’s new stance effective September 21, 2020
Starting September 21st , Roon Ready devices that are uncertified will no longer have the ability to be enabled on the Audio Settings screen. When this change is made, uncertified devices will be discoverable, but cannot be Enabled for use with Roon.
If your device is Enabled in Roon’s settings, it will stay Enabled. But if you Disable the device, you will not be able to Enable it again after September 21st.
If you purchase a device that is not certified as Roon Ready, you will not be able to Enable it for use after September 21st.
Admin Edit: Please see clarification linked below: