I just ordered a Nucleus One from the Roon store, but I can’t find any information on its power consumption after searching through the product pages and community forums.
The product page mentions 19V 60W, but that’s not very helpful since it doesn’t specify the current A (in amps) required.
I’m planning to get an Sbooster and need to know if it will be able to power the Nucleus One.
Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
You’re wasting your money. There’s no such thing as audiophile PSUs for computers (or audiophile computers for that matter). The Nucleus already came with a perfectly good power supply.
Hello, absolutely not! With a linear power supply you have the advantage of keeping RF slingshots (interference, spikes that come from a switching power supply) away from the other HiFi devices, which would otherwise disturb the power supply. This has already been discussed extensively in other forums and measurements have been carried out! I myself use a Keces P8 Dual, 19V for Nucleus+ and 12V for Melco Switch S100/2. The Original power supply of the Nucleus+ hums and buzzes quietly!
(Torben - A Dane living in Hamburg - Roon Lifer)
OK, but the switching peaks and transients and the high-frequency garbage are fed back into the powernet! Ferrite rings could possibly help on the low-voltage side! In any case, the ferrites do not help against the noise and hum of the original power supply!
Do you use it as a streamer or is it only the core?
I have two nuc:s, one running the core and one is a streamer to my dac.
I upgraded to a nice LPS for the streamer and that was a significant upgrade in sound.
PSU in the core I think matters less.
(Torben - A Dane living in Hamburg - Roon Lifer)
Than combine snap ferrite with universal broadband power filter 6A, 10k - 200MHz
From the following page, the answer is no, it would not. None listed meet the minimum requirement for the Nucleus
However, before buying an LPS, please explain how you intend to use the Nucleus, e.g., a direct connection to the DAC. You’ll also find that the vast majority of DAC offer noise filtering and isolation. Whist switch mode does generate switching noise, this is way, way above human audibility and wouldn’t compromise any reasonable DAC.
If you do decide to go down the LPS route, remember that they are less efficient and generate more heat. Some LPS are known to deliver insufficient power when under load, so take care choosing.
Teddy Pardo has the TeddyNUC which should do the trick. I doubt you’ll hear any difference. I’ve got an HDPlex on my NUC with ROCK and I hear no difference.
Whether TP supplies affect analog Naim devices or not, this is a completely different thing than a supposed effect on a computer where only digital data that never changes goes in and out.
I bought and returned SBooster, out $65 in shipping costs. None of the “adapters” included would fit my Nucleus. Printed in enclosed literature is “1.5V” there is switch for 18-19 A. Buying Small Green Computers LPS, which is $120 less than SBooster. Biggest improvement in Nucleus performance was plugging directly into router.
I inquired about replacing the PSU and the Roon support team said they do not recommend it. They also said that replacing the power supply voids the warranty.