Roon Nucleus verses Apple Mac Mini M1

Add me to the request for a native Apple Silicon version of Roon.

Yes, Roon works ok on Apple M1 Macs using Rosetta, but my experience of a M1 MacBook pro is the native apps are way-way faster and use much less power. Roon is not taking advantage of the new Apple silicon. Maybe it does not need to, but Apple says all Macs will be on Apple Silicon by end 2022, so a native version of Roon seems an obvious priority.

This is outside my ken, but given the importance of controlling electronic ‘noise’ in computer-based hifi, I wonder if Apple Silicon gives Roon an opportunity to do an even better job than on Intel? (Nucleus fans please disagree). Roon founders are ex-Apple are they not, so I guess and hope it’s on the way.