Roon Nucleus verses Apple Mac Mini M1

See this thread to see why processing speed doesn’t necessarily measure what you think it does:

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I will check it out thank you. But I was talking about DSD files not streaming from TIDAL. I can get even 90x if I remember correctly…

Do read the thread, please. :slight_smile: The comments from Danny are about the calculation/comparison of processing speeds across platforms in general, not MQA specifically. The NAS case is even used as an example.

Read it. It makes sense, however I would like to know other users with m1 chip what kind of numbers they are getting, just for comparison

M1 MacMini 8Gb unified memory, 512GB HDD, 16k tracks stored on DS918+ NAS, also currently streaming to my little boy’s HomePod mini (he has womb noise on low all night as a comfort sound), very, very happy bunny with the M1 running my Roon core.


I have Roon running on a VM, I don’t do any DSP and it runs absolutely fine on a single cpu and 2GB RAM

An apple M1 is absolute overkill and you’ll never tax it with Roon.

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yeah it looks like mine. Flac’s even multi channel are easy peasy for our M1… DSD is a bit harder…

Add me to the request for a native Apple Silicon version of Roon.

Yes, Roon works ok on Apple M1 Macs using Rosetta, but my experience of a M1 MacBook pro is the native apps are way-way faster and use much less power. Roon is not taking advantage of the new Apple silicon. Maybe it does not need to, but Apple says all Macs will be on Apple Silicon by end 2022, so a native version of Roon seems an obvious priority.

This is outside my ken, but given the importance of controlling electronic ‘noise’ in computer-based hifi, I wonder if Apple Silicon gives Roon an opportunity to do an even better job than on Intel? (Nucleus fans please disagree). Roon founders are ex-Apple are they not, so I guess and hope it’s on the way.


Danny has indicated that there will be a native M1 silicon version coming - he said this quite some time back in another thread.

Nope, none of us worked at Apple.

It is. I’d guess it’s be after the M2 and MacBook pro

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I think Roon was started by ex Sooloos employees (or as a spin-off)

Enno and I founded Sooloos. 2 others worked there. The rest of the early team worked on Sooloos at Meridian.


My humble apologies re founders and Apple! I picked that up on here or somewhere and now I’ve gone and perpetuated it. On my knees.
Thanks for the confirmation it’s on the way.

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Thank you.

Also very easy to uninstall.

Most people won’t care if it is lighter or uses slightly less ram. The convenience factor with the mini is high plus it can run other things like a video server. The lower end M1 Mini will be fine for most especially since the M1 is so efficient with memory. The real questions is how much of an sq difference is there. Probably not enough for most to care. Plus you avoid the hassles of building a NUC. I can easily do it but never felt like messing with it.
Hi res Apple music plus Roon on an M1 Mini would be ideal for me. Too bad for tidal though. I will dump it that day. AFEES (active duty and veterans only) has the 8gb 512 mini for $599 no tax and free shipping. Pretty tempting as a Roon server. I’m guessing an M1 native Roon would spur an up ticket in Roon/Mini users.


Seems pretty obvious why most will prefer Mac OS to Ubuntu. As with a NUC I can easily do it but don’t see why I would.

Not happening. Apple insider linkbait which they are known for.

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You and many others on this thread know nothing about macs, especially the new m1 macs. Any m1 base Mac will blow away any windows/linux/intel machine unless you need some huge amount of memory, say 128G or more. You read people complaining about how Rosetta 2 is a big/bloated. Again, how false. Most apps running with Rosetta 2 are still much faster than running natively on an intel machine.
As for running Roon on a Mac/intel linux/nucleus machine, you go with what you feel comfortable with. If you don’t like setting up computers then go with a prebuilt computer and then be at the mercy of the vendor. For example, any of the music servers/streamers are just proprietary computers running some version of linux, which is fine. For large corporations, I’ve setup $1M database servers on linux. But any owner of a linux server/streamer, how is the user going to backup/restore the data, add a hard drive, remove a hard drive, migrate to a new drive, tune the system, upgrade the OS? Most can’t.
I have used a Mac for 15 years running everything like amarra, pure music, Audirvana, and now Roon with never a problem. I just had Roon running on a 2012 Mac mini with 16G ram, with over 20TB of disks attached, and running at 10-20% of the system resources streaming to multiple endpoints.
I have also setup Roon to run on a corporate server box that had 256G of ram, TB of nvme/ssd and raid with many 15k hard disk drives, with linux and Roon, it didn’t run any different, maybe a little faster.
Tested Roon on a base m1 MacBook Air with 16G ram. This was faster yet but again, just by a small margin. I wouldn’t run Roon on a MacBook Air or on any laptop full time, I would use a Mac mini m1 or intel, or if you like linux, put linux on a mac


Not really, but dont let me stop you…