Roon On Waydroid Using Ubuntu 22.04

Given the CPU throttling issue on Linux, I thought I’d give Waydroid a try.

Installation was straightforward, and I’d be happy to use Roon this was but for one problem. The Roon app doesn’t appear to support scrolling (other apps do.) Can anyone else confirm this, or provide a workaround?

For reference, here are the installation steps for Ubuntu 22.04.

curl | sudo bash
sudo apt update
sudo apt install --yes waydroid
sudo waydroid init


Just found out about Waydroid. Managed to get it running on Linux Mint 21.1. After some fiddling I have Roon running.

Scrolling with the mousewheel doesn’t work. But keeping the left mouse button pressed and then drag the mouse up/down does work.


That’s my experience of Waydroid and Genymotion, too. Unfortunately, your suggested workaround is non-starter for touchpads.

However, on a positive note, Roon on Wine runs really well now.

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Touchpad works as well. Move up or down while pressing down on the touchpad. Works here on my Lenovo laptop.

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I can’t replicate this using the touchpad with gestures enabled, and a two-fingered scroll. If it’s necessary to put pressure, so the touchpad clicks, it’s not practical.

But thanks for reporting, as it may benefit others, and I’ll certainly revisit if Roon on Wine fails in future.

Hey – what command is generating that resource usage output?

Weston. I need to start that in a terminal before I can launch Waydroid.

I did run into a bug with Waydroid. I can start it fine the first time. But I need to restart Linux if I want to run it a second time. Otherwise Waydroid will just not load.


Or did you mean the second screenshot? That’s btop.

Thanks. Was asking about btop (familiar with top, didn’t know there was a good looking sibling), but interested in trying Waydroid out on a notebook so glad for the insight. I run my core on Linux but use Android/Win for control – this will be a nice option.

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I wasn’t aware of btop either. I did know top and htop though. I’ve stumbled on it pretty much by accident.

My Core is also on Linux Mint 21.1. But not on my Lenovo laptop, but on my 2014 Mac Mini in the living room.