Roon Optimized Core Kit (previously reported as Roon OS)

Total name fail on my part - wrong Andrew … I meant Andrew P of Esoteric Audio.

Oh! That Andrew, @AMP, has been very vocal in a good way :slight_smile:

He’s been helping with alpha/beta testing and also helped me get NVMe support working, multi-channel HDMI, etc.

He’s been massively helpful in the development of ROCK.

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Will that surprise also be easily available in Europe?

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let’s enjoy roon for what it is now…it’s not a Schiller’s ‘mac pro’

This is a disappointing development to say the least. As I recollect, you guys dangled a carrot large enough to generate some impulse buys and at least in my case convinced me to pay for a Roon subscription. Call it a misstep or calculated business move, you are going to get some backlash. My recommendation is to simply own it…take your lumps. When you said, “almost complete” back in September, and started posting hardware recommendations, it was just the incentive I needed to 1) extend my Roon subscription beyond trial (in Nov) and 2) shortly thereafter buy hardware that has since been collecting dust. If this was a calculated business move, then my hat goes off to you fine sirs…brilliant move. I wonder how many people also extended their subscriptions pinning their hopes on a more stable core option for their setup. I know the official stance is, “you pay for Roon, not ROCK.” But from where many of us are sitting, ROCK seems the solution to many of the core related issues your users report on day after day and a value-add feature to the rest of us.
As long as you don’t tell me that gear I bought based on the specifications you guys suggested is worthless, I’m fine waiting for ROCK. That being said, I’m at once looking for a more stable core option and at the same time debating subscription renewal. I’ll leave it at that…
And before you all jump on me about this…please try to see it from a paying customer’s perspective who’s desperate to have a trouble free Roon experience. It shouldn’t surprise you to have a few unhappy folks. The “out when its out” mentality, especially considering the anticipation surrounding this release, is justifiably frustrating. There no reason to alienate us further, by telling us that we’re wrong.

Well, I guess there’s a first time for everything :grin:

Since the cat’s out of the bag… yes, I’ve been testing ROCK since early February and have become intimately familiar with it. It’s an absolutely killer solution for those looking to have a core that just works. Setup is straightforward and need for administration is pretty much non-existent.

Load it up, let it run, and you’ll quickly forget it’s there.

For reference I’m using a NUC6i5SYK and can report zero issues with the hardware or the performance of ROCK. For those of you who have waited patiently you won’t be disappointed.

If you’ve already purchased hardware based upon the recommendations made here and did so with a clear understanding of what ROCK will and won’t do then you have nothing to worry about.


Glad to hear

Great. It’s stable. Can I have a copy for my NUC6i5 and just Rev 02 those who are aiming for NUC7i3’s? :stuck_out_tongue:

I think too many people are blaming Roon team for their own mistakes.
Roon team is doing what I consider a great effort to provide something for free that they didn’t have to do in the first place. If they never mentioned ROCK no one would blame them for anything.
I think ROCK is some sort of GIFT, so be thankful, not belligerent. I have a generation 5 NUC and now there is the 7th generation here, cheaper and better. But it was MY decision to buy it prior to ROCK’s release.
And I check the “Rock Install Guide” page almost daily to see if the “not/yet” link has changed.

@danny, please do your best, take the necessary time. I’ll be thankful for the gift when it is released.


Uh-oh … what does that mean for those of us whose patience wore thin? :wink:

I think the bag in question was translucent !

You could stick a Linux install on your NUC and run Core on it until ROCK comes along. Roon’s improved back up will allow you to easily transfer your library over to the same machine with ROCK on it when the time comes.

Trust me, if I can get Ubuntu LTS Server working headless on a NUC then you can get Linux working on a NUC. There’s plenty of help and support on the forum to do this and if you don’t want to update your OS you don’t have to.


Man, some of you guys are pretty harsh…with an overinflated sense of entitlement…

…runs and ducks for cover


Incredibly so in some cases.

Reminds me of my poor late Mother, who, if you were talking to her or even in the vicinity,when she did something like drop a plate would say

“Now, look what you made me do”



We push and push for comments and updates. We don’t like it if we don’t get them, so some comments were made to try to keep us happy. We are now seeing the flipside of that unfortunately. This is why the likes of Naim and Meridian keep their lips tightly sealed until stuff is definitely ready to go, whether customers like it or not…


What instabilities in Roon were claimed to be resolved by ROCK? I smell a red herring…

Who said anything was unstable?

I just don’t recall any claim here (by anyone) that ROCK would resolve any existing problems with Roon, especially instability problems.

[quote=“Antonio_Bendezu, post:393, topic:14175”]
Sorry, I don’t know how to use the quoting system.

Highlight the text and a little "quote " bubble appears

click on it or reply and voilla.


You ROCK! Thanks. I feel my age at such moments…

I suggest you consider that Danny advised us of the hardware he was testing ROCK on and gave advice of variations on that he considered would also work, however he also said that Roon would provide advice on how to build and Amazon links to the recommended hardware once ROCK was released, as it has not been released yet the hardware recommendations have not been provided either. If you chose to go out and purchase a NUC based on discussions rather than waiting for the published recommendations then that really is your problem, the time saved by buying in advance is a matter of days or indeed one day if you have Amazon prime!
Patience is a virtue, I find your tone most discourteous and totally unwarranted.
