Roon OS 1.0 Build 253 Observations

I have a few old (i5-7400) MOCK machine sthat I know will run ROCK that I will mess with…one I have a ROCk SSD already working, one I will burn an installer stick for. will update in a few hours I hope

UPDATE… worked fine with a bios setting of UEFI boot only…codecs installed no issue

branches some issue

used the os-earlyaccess downoaded one and renamed to os also copied to roon (same file) but the early access roon server didnt get installed on a reinstall

@connor @AMP this is the correct way right?

done several restarts / reinstalls still end up with

seems the reinstall deleted the branches folder

but created a Data/Reinstall folder which I also tried placing the roon file but this file also got deleted on a reinstall