ROON painfully slow after update with large library sizes [Roon Investigating]

Hi everyone,

The team is making progress in isolating the multiple causal mechanisms for the slow performance you’re experiencing.

We have an open ticket for development to investigate and address each potential causal mechanism. To illuminate and guide that effort, our technical support team has gathered archival diagnostics stretching back to when the issue first occurred for the affected users. Users who have provided precise technical details have assisted most in this effort. It truly helps - thank you for your cooperation.

One particular causal mechanism for this performance decline concerns the ratio of objects contained in subdirectory folders in the local library. Some questions about the breakdown of your library content may help illuminate which of you are affected by this cause.

If you have situations resembling the following, you are vulnerable to symptoms:

  1. several Artists with an exceptionally large volume of albums (think hundreds).
  • For instance, do you have 250 albums from one Artist?
  • Another example: Do you have three artists with over 75 albums?
  1. several Artists with an exceptionally large volume of tracks (think thousands).
  • Do you have any artists with 1000 or more tracks?
  • Do you have multiple artists with over 500 tracks?

You can see track and album count data by navigating to Roon → My Library → Albums and then sorting by Number of Albums. Right click on an album and select the three dots to open the dropdown menu. Export to Excel to see precise counts by each artist.

Note that Library size isn’t the cause, it’s just that users with a large library are more likely to have subdirectories in their library that include the above situations.

We’re making progress. Thank you for your patience.

@Bernd_Ruths1, your situation is likely unique from the above given your recent report. The team is investigating diagnostics in a side workflow and will report back when we learn more about what happened.