Roon playlists lack basic functionality?

is the option to “sort by date added to playlists” gonna be added? or even just an option to reverse the drag and drop order of the playlists? i noticed a couple mentions a few years ago, and the staff response was “you can scroll to the bottom of playlists easily”. this isnt helpful if you want to listen to tracks in reverse order. and if i tried to build playlists in reverse, i would have to drag and drop the tracks after they are added because they are always added at the end of a playlist. as i have playlists over 300 tracks long on various platforms, this is entirely untenable.

You can sort a playlist except on mobile devices. On iPad

that is date added to roon not date added to the playlist

Yes your right, apologies.

I think it’s because there are different types of playlists, and some would not have a way of knowing when you added a song. The type I use - the “imported” playlist - is an .m3u file that I have Roon import from the music folder of my NAS, and Roon would never have any idea when I added songs to that because it isn’t the one adding those songs.

thats why i mentioned possibly reversing the order of the drag and drop order.

I would suggest crafting another feature request - something like “Reverse playlist order” - to call better attention to the nature of the feature and perhaps gain other votes. (Also, you should also always vote for your own feature requests.) As it is currently titled and expressed, there are not many others who would look for this and/or consider it “basic functionality.”

you may not, but i still consider this pretty basic functionality for playlists. if tidal is capable of it anyone should be lol. apparently roon did actually have something resembling this functionality in the past, but it was removed.

I understand, but most others here wouldn’t consider it basic, so I suggest it as a reframing for the sake of bringing better attention for a more specific audience of like-minded people who might otherwise overlook your post.

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